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New member intro


New Member
Hi I just wanted to introduce myself before posting, I am a single mum of three, bringing up three children with Autism, I identified this within myself, though there was no awareness back then in my time, I feel I was left behind, and had to mask my way through life, on doing so I kind of learned how to wear the trousers, if that makes sense. It was hard work at times, which caused many melt downs, where I would go in myself and curl under the duvet, this to me was like a recharge. I have come a long way since then, after having my NDE a few years ago, which triggered something in me I cannot explain in words, other than I experienced consciousness without a body, it made me realise that I am more than my physical body, which took me on a deep inner spiritual journey of self discovery, and so I hope I can inspire others, while also seeking inspiration, and deeper connections, that do not divide us, but connect us as a whole.
I had a stroke five years ago which included a NDE, it changed my view of how life works, actually can be explained by contemporary physics, my special interest.

So welcome to the forum,

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