Hi,my name is Lee. I am 62 years old and was just diagnosed with AS a few months ago. This has had quite a impact on my life. It is very uplifting to find out so many things about my self at this stage of my life. I have known that I was different from most other people,for most of my life. I just didn't know how I was different. The more I read about Asperger's,the more I learn about myself. As a matter of fact,Asperger's has been my latest subject to focus on and it's been a adventure. AS defines me,it is why I am the way that I am. It's why I'm good at what I'm good at and why I'm bad at what I don't do well. While it would have been nice to know about fourty years ago,I think I have adapted about as well as I could. I certainly do not feel bad about being a Aspie,I like being able to figure out things that I want to know about.
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