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Hey everyone, so to start off my name is Dalton & I’m 16 years old currently in the 11th grade. I was officially diagnosed with PDD-NOS at around 2-3 years old. Now back when I was younger you could very easily tell that I was “different” because of the way I acted/talked. I was also never really social considering I have social anxiety, but here’s where I get to tell you’ll about my success story! So my parents helped me out in every way possible and got me the best Drs and it took me years to finally seem like a “normal” person. What I mean is that around the age of 10 is when things started to get better. I was starting to socialize, had less burst outs and overall was seeing a great improvement, but I wasn’t fully there yet! Fast forward at the age 14 I had completely learned to control my outbursts and the things that triggered them. I was finally starting to get somewhere but wasn’t quite there yet! Now that I’m 16 (17 in February!) I have done so much for ex. I went to my first ever college football game in November ! It was Alabama vs LSU and was a guys trip, it was the best as I got to meet some of my dads buddies and was also able to talk to some of the college girls while tailgating. Now when heading to the stadium I was in absolute shock at how massive the place was, but I made it! I dont need headphones anymore or anything to fidget with to help keep me calm which is so nice. I’ve also gone out with a few friends which I couldn’t do before because I couldn’t handle it. I also haven’t had a outburst in over 3 years! Now I deeply apologize for such long writing it’s just a natural habit lol. I would also like to mention that I’ve been listening to motivational speeches the last few days, and have started studying more and even working out, but one thing that I’ve noticed is that im starting to realize that socializing isn’t all that hard (mind you I do have social anxiety) it’s like my social anxiety has just disappeared because now I’m fully socializing with others more than I ever have after I started listening to those motivational speeches. Any idea why? Anyways that’s my introduction/question!