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New research links myelin sheaths to autism.

Major Tom

Searching for ground control...
V.I.P Member
Not written by me, but what do all of you think of this? :
Researchers Link Autism To A System That Insulates Brain Wiring
By Jon Hamilton

Scientists have found a clue to how autism spectrum disorder disrupts the brain's information highways.

The problem involves cells that help keep the traffic of signals moving smoothly through brain circuits, a team reported Monday in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

The team found that in both mouse and human brains affected by autism, there's an abnormality in cells that produce a substance called myelin.

That's a problem because myelin provides the "insulation" for brain circuits, allowing them to quickly and reliably carry electrical signals from one area to another. And having either too little or too much of this myelin coating can result in a wide range of neurological problems.

For example, multiple sclerosis occurs when the myelin around nerve fibers is damaged. The results, which vary from person to person, can affect not only the signals that control muscles, but also the ones involved in learning and thinking.

The finding could help explain why autism spectrum disorders include such a wide range of social and behavioral features, says Brady Maher, a lead investigator at the Lieber Institute for Brain Development and an associate professor in the psychiatry department at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

"Myelination could be a problem that ties all of these autism spectrum disorders together," Maher says. And if that's true, he says, it might be possible to prevent or even reverse the symptoms using drugs that affect myelination.

"If we get to these kids really early, we might be able to change their developmental trajectory and improve their outcomes," Maher says.

"It's possible to make these cells healthier," adds Dr. Daniel Weinberger, director of the Lieber Institute and a professor at Johns Hopkins. "And it's never been a target of treatment in autism."

The study adds to the evidence that myelination problems are present in "several developmental disorders and in particular in autism," says Dr. Flora Vaccarino, a professor in the neuroscience department at Yale who was not involved in the research.

It also shows how one faulty regulatory system in the brain can lead to either too much myelination or too little, she says. And that may help explain why people with autism spectrum disorders may have brains that are either unusually large or unusually small.

Researchers involved in the study came upon the myelination problem while looking for something else.

They were studying brain cells in mice with a gene mutation that causes Pitt-Hopkins syndrome, which can include features of autism spectrum disorder. "We saw a signature that suggested there might be something wrong with myelination," Maher says. "So that was pretty surprising to us."

More experiments confirmed that "there was a clear deficit," in the cells that control myelination, which are called oligodendrocytes, he says. This was true not only in mice with the Pitt-Hopkins syndrome, but in other mouse models of autism, too.

Next, a biostatistics expert named Andrew Jaffe looked at a genetic analysis of brain tissue from people with autism who had died. And that experiment also found problems with the system that controls myelination.

To fully understand what's going on though, the problem needs to be studied in developing brain tissue, Vaccarino says.

That should be possible, she says, using tiny clusters of human brain cells called brain organoids, which can be grown in a petri dish. Vaccarino's lab has created brain organoids from the cells of people with autism spectrum disorder, which might reveal how the myelination problems begin, she says.

Brain myelination "really does not start in earnest until the first year or two of life," Weinberger says. "And this is around the time that autism is first apparent."

That might eventually mean a treatment that corrected a problem with myelination could help children who are diagnosed early in life, he says. Several such treatments are being developed to treat people with multiple sclerosis, a disease that erodes myelin.
You never know in these articles whether they are talking about the whole spectrum or just 2s & 3s...
You never know in these articles whether they are talking about the whole spectrum or just 2s & 3s...
I think in this case, it was mainly referring to people with ASD3 or possibly ASD2 which are more easily detected in early childhood.
Not written by me, but what do all of you think of this? :
Researchers Link Autism To A System That Insulates Brain Wiring
By Jon Hamilton

Scientists have found a clue to how autism spectrum disorder disrupts the brain's information highways.

The problem involves cells that help keep the traffic of signals moving smoothly through brain circuits, a team reported Monday in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

The team found that in both mouse and human brains affected by autism, there's an abnormality in cells that produce a substance called myelin.

That's a problem because myelin provides the "insulation" for brain circuits, allowing them to quickly and reliably carry electrical signals from one area to another. And having either too little or too much of this myelin coating can result in a wide range of neurological problems.

For example, multiple sclerosis occurs when the myelin around nerve fibers is damaged. The results, which vary from person to person, can affect not only the signals that control muscles, but also the ones involved in learning and thinking.

The finding could help explain why autism spectrum disorders include such a wide range of social and behavioral features, says Brady Maher, a lead investigator at the Lieber Institute for Brain Development and an associate professor in the psychiatry department at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

"Myelination could be a problem that ties all of these autism spectrum disorders together," Maher says. And if that's true, he says, it might be possible to prevent or even reverse the symptoms using drugs that affect myelination.

"If we get to these kids really early, we might be able to change their developmental trajectory and improve their outcomes," Maher says.

"It's possible to make these cells healthier," adds Dr. Daniel Weinberger, director of the Lieber Institute and a professor at Johns Hopkins. "And it's never been a target of treatment in autism."

The study adds to the evidence that myelination problems are present in "several developmental disorders and in particular in autism," says Dr. Flora Vaccarino, a professor in the neuroscience department at Yale who was not involved in the research.

It also shows how one faulty regulatory system in the brain can lead to either too much myelination or too little, she says. And that may help explain why people with autism spectrum disorders may have brains that are either unusually large or unusually small.

Researchers involved in the study came upon the myelination problem while looking for something else.

They were studying brain cells in mice with a gene mutation that causes Pitt-Hopkins syndrome, which can include features of autism spectrum disorder. "We saw a signature that suggested there might be something wrong with myelination," Maher says. "So that was pretty surprising to us."

More experiments confirmed that "there was a clear deficit," in the cells that control myelination, which are called oligodendrocytes, he says. This was true not only in mice with the Pitt-Hopkins syndrome, but in other mouse models of autism, too.

Next, a biostatistics expert named Andrew Jaffe looked at a genetic analysis of brain tissue from people with autism who had died. And that experiment also found problems with the system that controls myelination.

To fully understand what's going on though, the problem needs to be studied in developing brain tissue, Vaccarino says.

That should be possible, she says, using tiny clusters of human brain cells called brain organoids, which can be grown in a petri dish. Vaccarino's lab has created brain organoids from the cells of people with autism spectrum disorder, which might reveal how the myelination problems begin, she says.

Brain myelination "really does not start in earnest until the first year or two of life," Weinberger says. "And this is around the time that autism is first apparent."

That might eventually mean a treatment that corrected a problem with myelination could help children who are diagnosed early in life, he says. Several such treatments are being developed to treat people with multiple sclerosis, a disease that erodes myelin.

I think any research that identifies genetic factors associated with ASD is promising and is worth further research.
This could certainly explain why most of us are clumsy inclined and poor prioperception many
experience. Why many were never good at sports, etc.
As I've grown older, this is becoming more apparent to the point that it interferes with muscle movements
and walking much as Multiple Sclerosis as mentioned in which the myelin sheath is damaged.
Mine has become so disruptive in the past few years I have also developed small nerve fiber neuropathy.
I have had several brain MRIs in past five years as my neurologist keeps thinking I am developing MS.
But, it doesn't show that.
Small nerve fiber biopsy does show demyelination of peripheral nervers in legs/feet.
Cause unknown.
Sounds like a good research area to me.
This could certainly explain why most of us are clumsy inclined and poor prioperception many
experience. Why many were never good at sports, etc.
As I've grown older, this is becoming more apparent to the point that it interferes with muscle movements
and walking much as Multiple Sclerosis as mentioned in which the myelin sheath is damaged.
Mine has become so disruptive in the past few years I have also developed small nerve fiber neuropathy.
I have had several brain MRIs in past five years as my neurologist keeps thinking I am developing MS.
But, it doesn't show that.
Small nerve fiber biopsy does show demyelination of peripheral nervers in legs/feet.
Cause unknown.
Sounds like a good research area to me.
I have very little feeling in my hands and feet. Just today I slammed my finger in a door and it bled like crazy, but didn't really hurt at all. One time a drill bit broke off and when that happened the remaining shaft went through my left index finger. I looked at it immediately after and could see the sun shining through the hole. (Before the blood started to flow). I wonder if that has to do with demyelination of peripheral nerves in my hands and feet? I've never had much feeling in them even as a child.
I looked at it immediately after and could see the sun shining through the hole. (Before the blood started to flow). I wonder if that has to do with demyelination of peripheral nerves in my hands and feet? I've never had much feeling in them even as a child.
Let me just say OWWW! on your behalf, then... :eek:
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Oh this is very interesting. Got to wait and see, of course. There have been a lot of leads that went nowhere or were just plain wrong. However, it would be a way to understand how there can be so many genes involved in autism spectrum difference , if there's another facet operating to produce the brain difference. While we wait, I hope a lot of pointless therapies don't start up, rubbing linseed oil into infant scalps to improve their myelin etc.
Thank you for posting this. I caught the tail end of this article on the radio, and wanted to look it up.

The part that is confusing for me is that they say that a faulty gene can result in either too much myelination or too little, and that they found signs of the wrong amount in some autistic brains. So which is it? Too much or too little?

It seems very counter-intuitive that both too much or too little myelination could cause the same set of symptoms.

It also seems counter-intuitive that a general yer-neurons-aren't-workin'-right problem could make me much worse at certain tasks (i.e. social things) and much better at others. I would expect either both worse or both better.

I guess this makes sense as a contributing factor, but not as a whole explanation.
Thank you for posting this. I caught the tail end of this article on the radio, and wanted to look it up.

The part that is confusing for me is that they say that a faulty gene can result in either too much myelination or too little, and that they found signs of the wrong amount in some autistic brains. So which is it? Too much or too little?

It seems very counter-intuitive that both too much or too little myelination could cause the same set of symptoms.

It also seems counter-intuitive that a general yer-neurons-aren't-workin'-right problem could make me much worse at certain tasks (i.e. social things) and much better at others. I would expect either both worse or both better.

I guess this makes sense as a contributing factor, but not as a whole explanation.

Maybe too much myelination in specific cells makes you better/weaker at some tasks and too little worse/better at others? It's still quite interesting and I wonder if this research will go somewhere.
Thank you for posting this. I caught the tail end of this article on the radio, and wanted to look it up.

The part that is confusing for me is that they say that a faulty gene can result in either too much myelination or too little, and that they found signs of the wrong amount in some autistic brains. So which is it? Too much or too little?

It seems very counter-intuitive that both too much or too little myelination could cause the same set of symptoms.

It also seems counter-intuitive that a general yer-neurons-aren't-workin'-right problem could make me much worse at certain tasks (i.e. social things) and much better at others. I would expect either both worse or both better.

I guess this makes sense as a contributing factor, but not as a whole explanation.

Yes, maybe not everything myelin does is good, as it were, so that the normal amount inhibits some useful effects? Did you read the article @Ken S. posted, that refers to that kind of pros and cons of genetic evolution idea?
Yes, maybe not everything myelin does is good, as it were, so that the normal amount inhibits some useful effects? Did you read the article @Ken S. posted, that refers to that kind of pros and cons of genetic evolution idea?

Interesting. I don't think it necessarily has to be that "the benefits outweigh the risk of autism." I think autism could also serve as an advantage in small percentages among the population.

The social skills that most neurotypicals have is great at distributing learning and preserving knowledge. When one person learns a better way to do something, NT social structures quickly spread that way to everyone. NTs are good at copying the way someone does something and will do something a specific way because "that's how everyone does it."

So, that takes care of preserving existing knowledge and practices. But how do you get new knowledge? You need a small percentage of your population to try something new. NTs won't do this instinctively (culturally, there are many who embrace the "try something new" approach, but that has to be taught - it's not instinctual). Autistics who fail to pick up on "the obvious right way" to do something will try to figure it out on their own, and some - a small percentage of an already small percentage - will find a better way to do something.

So, I think we shouldn't necessarily be viewing the genes as "benefit of A vs cost of B", but asking what percentages of A and B are optimal for the species as a whole.
So, I think we shouldn't necessarily be viewing the genes as "benefit of A vs cost of B", but asking what percentages of A and B are optimal for the species as a whole.
Since the OP more likely applies to ASD2s & 3s (not ASD1), the myelin sheath theory could account more for severe co-morbid conditions than it does for base autism...

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