Gamers with a preference for violent games tend to display higher levels of verbal aggression and hostility but not higher levels of physical aggression, according to new research published in
Frontiers in Psychology.
One of the key findings was that the type of video games people choose to play is indeed related to their aggression levels. Participants who played more violent video games tended to exhibit higher levels of verbal aggression and hostility.
The study also revealed that heightened narcissism was linked to higher levels of anger, physical aggression, and verbal aggression. On the other hand, low self-esteem, which reflects how positively or negatively we see ourselves, was associated with higher levels of hostility.
The researchers found that violent video game choice did not act as a mediator between narcissism or self-esteem and aggression. This means that personality traits had a direct influence on aggression, and the choice of video games did not significantly impact this relationship.