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New version of Cosmos starts 3/9/2014

Hell yes! I have the original series, which I watch when I'm feeling sad or stressed out. I have it set to record on my parents' DVR, and I'm hoping they won't screw it up.
I can't wait. Been waiting for this for a year. Neil DeGrasse Tyson + Seth McFarlane is a dream.
We watched it here too: makes 4 episodes now & I'm enjoying it immensely. The only problem I have with it thus far, is that N. De Grasse-Tyson swallows his words when he speaks & mumbles a little too so, with my less than stellar hearing, following what he says is challenging.
Has it been four episodes already? Somehow I thought it was only three...but never count on wyv to keep track of things. :)

I really loved last night's episode (if you're in the US, anyway). It finally felt like it was getting into the meat of what the original series was about, which was to convey not just what we know, but how, and putting it into an historical and cultural context. I originally didn't like the animated bits, but I thought they worked really well here.
If you're familiar with and are a fan of the original series, tonight's (US, anyway) episode should make you particularly giddy.
Does anyone else find Tyson's movements across the stage distracting? I greatly enjoy listening to him but I wish he would just stay still. He bobs and weaves so much that I find it really annoying. Some of this is likely orchestrated by the director of the show but some of it is also his style. I read somewhere that while lecturing at his university he once did a moon walk for the students and I guess they loved it.

I have listened to my share of boring, dry as bones, science professors deliver lectures in monotone who could have used a bit of dramatic relief but Tyson is over the top for me.

I am convinced the performance antics keep the NT's engaged in the wildly popular Cosmos program. Tyson is extremely articulate and his language usage is superb; he is interesting and entertaining without the constant motion.

During NT social events I notice it is so much more important to an NT how something is said than the content. Performance is all. I cannot count how many times I watch a room of people laugh at meaningless chatter.
In an interview with him I heard a few years ago (I would link it but the website is being finicky...it was on episode 331 of The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe) he explains how meticulous and hard-working he is in choosing words and in judging his audience as to how to best get his message across. Seeing him speak a couple of years ago, it really comes across. So yes, I have no doubt that he was doing his best to engage a very broad audience with this show. Personally, I really liked how he came across on screen, but I can understand your criticism.

In the final episode, I loved that little visual reference to Carl Sagan's The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (one of my all-time favorite books).

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