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Newly self-diagnosed 31 year-old female ...


Well-Known Member
Hello, I just recently discovered that my weirdness has a name. I've been diagnosed, by a doctor, with general anxiety disorder and dysthymia (constant low-grade depression). I've lived all of my life feeling misunderstood. I'm not sure yet if knowing I'm an Aspie is better, the same, or worse. Now that I've made this discovery I'm pretty sure my dad and sister are Aspies as well.

The hardest part about this is finding someone to talk about it. Whenever I try to tell someone, they don't believe me. I've had a couple believe me but they don't know anything about it, which makes it hard. I'm hoping to find people here that understand and want to talk about it.
Hi Stik. Welcome to Aspies Central. We're a happy bunch here, and love talking about Asperger's and autism and all other areas of the human life and where were are in the grand scheme of things.

So glad you've joined us. :)
You've definitely come to the right place. If my own experience with finding out about my ASD is any indication, the knowledge is scary at first, but it becomes empowering. I hope you find support within your family and your circle of friends! I know you'll find even more here. :)
Hi Stik, I'm new here too!

And, like you, I'm having a complex time getting used to the idea that "this is me". I've also had issues with people I've told not believing me! One person completely accepted it right away, even more enthusiastically than I had at that point in time!

But another person I told, who, oddly, is usually more supportive toward me than the other one who believed me, outright rejected it, laughing at me and "assuring" me "You're not on the autism spectrum." Hmm, oh, okay...

Another friend who knows a bit more about these things reminded me that many members of the general public have only Dustin Hoffman's "Rainman" in their heads, as the one example of someone they think is autistic, and if we don't seem like him, then we can't possibly be...There are some huge misunderstandings out there, and very narrow and mistaken beliefs among the general public, I feel. I think a lot of people who don't know much about the autism spectrum actually forget it is a spectrum, hence the disbelief and fixed opinions and whatnot. But yes, it's annoying!

This seems like a nice place so here's to you and I having some great learning experiences and support here!:D
Welcome Stik! Being "weird" is as relative as being "normal". The reality is that we're just neurologically different from a majority of other people when it comes to socialization.

When I'm in this forum everyone here seems "normal" to me. :)

BTW, I have AS, OCD and clinical depression. You aren't alone here...you'll find people to relate to in a way the outside world isn't likely to provide.
But another person I told, who, oddly, is usually more supportive toward me than the other one who believed me, outright rejected it, laughing at me and "assuring" me "You're not on the autism spectrum." Hmm, oh, okay...
That person probably thought denying it was the most supportive thing to do! In other words he/she probably doesn't know very much about or has been mis-informed about what the autistic spectrum really is like.
That person probably thought denying it was the most supportive thing to do! In other words he/she probably doesn't know very much about or has been mis-informed about what the autistic spectrum really is like.

I think you've hit the proverbial nail on the head there -- yes, I think that probably is where he was coming from. When the third friend pointed out that many people know so little about autism that to them it's a negative thing, I realized he might have thought he was in fact being supportive, in his opinion! I think you're right.
I believe understand what you must being thinking.

Since I began to understand how my mind works being an Aspie, it has opened the world to me with more coping mechanisms/tools to be able function in society appropriately.

"Knowing is half the battle" - thanks GI Joe ... heh

It is true, the more knowledge you gird yourself with the more power you have in guiding your ability to respond in situations you may have not been able to in the past.

I am AS, OCD, have Misphonia plus ... life is challenging ... I am driven to conquer my challenges using any tools I can to interact with the world in a positive fashion.

I want to connect with others who have these challenges, today my 1st day actually beating my anxiety enough to converse online with others about these challenges.
I want to connect with others who have these challenges, today my 1st day actually beating my anxiety enough to converse online with others about these challenges.

I am so glad you were able to beat your anxiety enough to comment online. It appears to me that you will be an asset to the rest of us here at aspiescentral. I look forward to hearing more from you.
Thanks, everyone, for the warm welcome. When I brought it up to my family and boyfriend they thought about the character in the show Boston Legal. I'm not obvious like him so they didn't think of me that way. I understand where they're coming from but I couldn't shake off the feeling that they thought there was something WRONG with him. I thought the character was hilarious and smart and I felt like I could feel what he was going through but not understanding why ... Which brings me to the subject of my new career path. I started as a special ed paraprofessional (teacher's assistant) last school year and it has been the most wonderful experience. I work with severe to profound 18 to 21 year olds. I feel a connection with my students that others don't have. My coworkers are very compassionate but I don't think they understand the way I do and now it makes sense. MY WHOLE LIFE IS STARTING TO MAKE SENSE!

I remember that feeling very well! And I do think there must be some truth to your feelings of better understanding the kids you teach. Your personal obstacles may be different, but none of you is less valuable for having them.
Welcome!! No one believed me either because I had been covering it up before I realized what I had...but once I found out what Aspergers was I knew for certain I had it. Even now after my diagnosis people think I'm just looking for an 'excuse'. People are idiots!! Theres a forum full of folks who are waiting with ears open, enjoy!
I am also new to the forum. I haven't been professionally diagnosed either. I am hoping to see a therapist soon to get more information and hopefully some validation. I totally understand what you mean about having a hard time talking to someone about it. My sister is the only one that knows how I feel and about all my symptoms. I am afraid that people will automatically dismiss me when I tell them that I suspect I have Asperger's. People have such a limited view of autism. They don't understand that some people that have it are able to function in day to day life. We just make it look easier than it really is for us.

Welcome to the forum!
I agree with Ereths' comments, in that is more valued by some Aspies who has the experience to pass on. The so called empathy that we are so called to be lacking.
Welcome to the group Stik! May you find friendly people here as I have. Wishing you luck on your journey of self discovery and hope you give a chance here to see if you can form friendships.

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