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Object shaking


Hi everyone,
I have a 4.5 year old who has development and speech delays.
There is a behavior he does where he keeps shaking things like toys, small objects Infront of his face and next to his ears.
We spoke to his therapist, according to him it's a stimming behavior.
But whenever he plays, that's how he does. He will just collect few items of interest and then repeatedly play or just shake them.
He does it so much that affects everything else, if we want him to read something or write or even try to engage him in other activities.
All he wants to do or play is like that.

My question is, if anybody is aware of what exactly is he trying to do and how can we help him.
Also, should we just leave him be and don't worry about it.
Will this go away.

Thank you.
Could be analyzing sounds or comparing the feel of air resistance against the different size shape ,ect. items. Looking for the basic patterns of cause and effect perhaps noticing differences and pondering possible explanations as relates to sounds, air resistance, etc. I have done and still do things like that. Just trying to observe and learn. Otherwise, could just be expressing an emotion like excitement or frustration.
I agree with @FayetheAspie that it could be a curious exploration of items. Although you mentioned it can interfere with engagement in other activities, it doesn't sound like something that needs intervention to me. The things to worry about are those that cause harm to your child or someone in the proximity of him.

In your shoes, I would just allow him to do it and even encourage it by giving him things that are interesting to shake. Following a child's natural curiosity can be a great way for them to develop a love for learning. Likely it will change over time, but none of us can actually know that.
Detox is what we doing in hope of minimising symptoms,
No sugar!!! Sweets, junk or glutton (glutton converts to sugar)

I've had my parenting
I've read that Temple Grandin was fascinated with sand when she was a child. She'd spend hours allowing a handful of sand to slowly pass through her fingers to study it.

I see no harm in your son's activity. He'll move on to something else when he has satisfied his interest in shaking things.
Hi everyone,
I have a 4.5 year old who has development and speech delays.
There is a behavior he does where he keeps shaking things like toys, small objects Infront of his face and next to his ears.
We spoke to his therapist, according to him it's a stimming behavior.
But whenever he plays, that's how he does. He will just collect few items of interest and then repeatedly play or just shake them.
He does it so much that affects everything else, if we want him to read something or write or even try to engage him in other activities.
All he wants to do or play is like that.

My question is, if anybody is aware of what exactly is he trying to do and how can we help him.
Also, should we just leave him be and don't worry about it.
Will this go away.

Thank you.
Playing with toys and interacting with the world "in strange ways" is very much a childhood autism "thing". Flip the toy truck upside-down and spin the wheels. Shaking the toys. Playing with water. Vocalizations in enclosed environments, and much, more.

Here's the thing, and others can chime in here to share their experiences. Many of us interact with our world in "different" ways, but ultimately, it is to understand our world on a level that most people never do. Because I was very much the same way, I have special, sometimes rather "odd" talents that I have been able to apply to my career as a respiratory therapist at one of the largest children's hospitals in the US and am a university instructor. A few of many examples:
1. Between 10th and 11th grade in high school, the summer in between, I took the college SAT and ACT tests. Tests that assess levels of aptitude and are often used for university acceptance. I had nearly perfect scores on the science portions of those tests, and I hadn't taken a science course since 8th grade middle school. I understood what was going to happen, even if I didn't understand the more mathematical or technical reasons. I played with things and understood the world around me.
2. In university physics courses, the same phenomenon. The lab experiments, I knew what was going to happen with a surprising amount of accuracy, before even looking at the mathematical proof.
3. I see patterns in water and air. I understand "fluidics" because I played around with it all the time as a child. I know how weather works, high pressure and low pressure, as well as the fluidic movements they create. I understand how blood moves through the heart, especially with complex congenital heart conditions, both pre and post operatively.
4. I have an exceptional understanding of mechanical ventilator waveform graphics, like I've never heard of or met my equal in this, quite literally. I use them to fine-tune the ventilator settings for my patients in the intensive care wards. I can visualize the molecules and their movements through the tubings and in the lungs, and can manipulate the flow and pressure characteristics.
5. I helped design a high-frequency jet ventilator unit that we use in our neonatal ICU, well, it's patented and is used globally today. I presented the underlying acoustical research in 2008 at an international medical conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.
6. I was part of the team that designed and used the first use of helium-oxygen gas during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation to save the lives of children with severe respiratory failure. That was in the late 1990's. We were the first in the world to do this. My study has been used in the bibliography sections of several hundred studies since then. Every day, quite literally, I am notified of its use on Academia.net.

I can go on and on here. Everything interests me. The world interests me. I have a high level of intellectual curiosity and will be researching all sorts of topics, and applying them. I will spend money on all sorts of things, for the simple enjoyment of experimentation. I am successful in life BECAUSE of my autism, not despite it.

So, my point here is to encourage him to explore his world in his own way, because, frankly, if you're interjecting and trying to show him "the correct way", you are unwittingly holding him back. He will get frustrated and act out against your efforts. He's not other kids, and this is a good thing. He may never develop those special skills and talents that will set him apart from the rest of the "neurotypical, ignorant drones" that loving, helpful parents and teachers create. Let him take stuff apart, listen to the wind, play with the water coming out of the spigot, stare at the clouds, build stuff, break stuff, make all sorts of mistakes and let him try again. The more hands on, the better. He doesn't need to sit in a classroom. He needs to be outside tinkering around with things. The more varied stimuli you introduce to him, the better. Your job is to be patient and just let him create, explore, and experiment.

I cannot emphasize enough the virtues of patience and temperance. Most parents have a tendency to get anxious and want to interject. Within reason, allow him to experience things, even if it means a brief, scary electrical shock or hot pot from the stove, not enough to really hurt him, but scare him so that he understands, as opposed to you frantically shouting "No!" beforehand. He needs to experience those life lessons. All things in moderation. Parenting any child is never easy, but my "Boomer" parents were pretty much "hands off", one might call it "skillful neglect". Now-a-days, "helicopter and bulldozer parents" are more the norm, but in the case of a child with an ASD, sometimes intentionally observing and simply being a "safety net" without interrupting a process is a better strategy. The unfortunate reality is that we have to learn OUR way, not yours, even if it takes us a bit longer.
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I think your son might enjoy science books.Maybe he won't be able to read them, but the pictures and diagrams may interest him. My daughter enjoyed science experiments. He might enjoy Yahtzee, because the noisy dice in the cup. And you could teach him the numbers on the dice, even if you don't play the actual game. I taught my daughter multiplication concept by using M&M candy when she was a toddler.
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It'll be tempting as he gets older to try to get him to stop doing those things and other people might tell you to make him stop--it's just his way of having a relationship with the world.
He doesn't need any help.

And when he's doing it, unless absolutely necessary (like getting in the car), don't try to stop him or force him to do other activities.

Because of the shaking of objects, he is better able to communicate, learn, and process the world around him.

Without the rattling, he'd be so overwhelmed, he might shut down all communication, and have big overwhelming feelings, crawling sensations in his skin, be sensitive to light, etc, and end up tantrumming a lot.

We used to be neighbors with the sweetest little girl. She was eight years old. Nonverbal. Very kindhearted.

She loved shaking things all the time. Her mother gave her strings of beads, and cheap plastic bead necklaces. She always had one in her hand, and would rattle it constantly as she played. And as she ran around the playground, every now and again, she would stop, and rattle the string of beads in her hand.

Yesterday, I was in the grocery store and was reminded of her. A little boy of about seven or eight had a cheap plastic bead necklace in his hand and was shaking it while walking around with his parents.

I would get your son a couple strings of Mardi Gras type beads. He'd probably be very happy.

Maybe some maracas. Autistic children have been known to love baby rattles and other rhythmic noisy things. Maracas are the much cooler older sibling of baby rattles.

Maybe your son is a future drummer? Sounds like the percussion kinda kid to me. Consider in elementary school, if he'd like getting into band.

There are drum kits that are just pads that you plug in. They can even be played with headphones on, so no one hears the drumming.

Alternately if you are awesome parents with a basement or garage, getting him his own actual drum kit would probably set him over the moon with happiness.
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These are fantastic toys for autistic children.

One fun activity for your family, with autumn approaching, might be to dry out a few small gourds.

By next summer, they will be all dried out and able to be shaken like maracas.

Toys from nature!

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