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Obsessive Compulsion


Well-Known Member
I have what might be an addictive personality. It fixates itself on whatever, without warning. Right now, my biggest compulsion is the urge to look up things that will upset me. Mainly, news announcing that the world will end and what not. Yeah...Issa bit of a problem.

I constantly Google things that may have Top Stories accompanying them. I recently read the description of dark5's latest video: Talking about five signs that show the End is near. I also REALLY want to know things like what Stephen Hawking said about the End AND if the upcoming eclipse really means doom for us all.

Stopping isn't as easy as ya think. I just...Have the urge to KNOW, to SEE if it upsets me or (If I already searched it up) changed in any way.

Mind sharing ways to combat my urge? Or how to tell if something should worry me or not/if the source is credible?
i THOUGHT I was crazy but you just topped me. I know when I was 13 7 years ago, I got anxiety thinking about this film or something because I was shocked about something I read. I was shocked that there was CGI in 1995 basically and it turned to anxiety and now I frequently obsess about Aspergers? I try to combat my urge personally by telling myself there are other people like me and also by meditating. Have you tried ESMR or nature sounds? Also, i suggest listening to a playlist on spotify and be really introspective with your emotions (this doesn't mean be obsessive but like tell yourself that no, the worlds not going to end and even if it is you'll be safe):blush:
How are you mentally? Are you in a good place at the moment?

It's known that with some autistic people we can have problems with having a proper outlet for things like depression, loved ones passing or an end to a relationship and so we obsess with unhealthy, morbid things as a way of grieving.

I wonder if that's happening to you.
Mind sharing ways to combat my urge?

I would highly recommend CBT and mindfulness. I fully realise that just the word 'mindfulness' sounds like some hippy crap, but they used it quite a bit when I was doing CBT for OCD and I found it really helpful.

Or how to tell if something should worry me or not/if the source is credible?

In terms of this part, personally I would say pretty much anything you're reading or watching online about how the world is doomed and it's going to end any time soon is BS. I realise that that is of very little use to you, as you may still believe this stuff, and I just don't. Unless it's from a really credible source, I would put pretty much no stock in it. As for things like Stephen Hawking, it's not like he's talking about the end of the Earth happening tomorrow, or to be blunt, at any point in your lifetime.

As to eclipses signalling the end of the world...yeah, no. That sounds like the sort of thing a cult would espouse to their followers, right before they bring out the Kool Aid..
How are you mentally? Are you in a good place at the moment?

It's known that with some autistic people we can have problems with having a proper outlet for things like depression, loved ones passing or an end to a relationship and so we obsess with unhealthy, morbid things as a way of grieving.

I wonder if that's happening to you.

If by 'good place,' you mean growing concern over my toxic behavior, nasty fights with my brother and mother, freaking out over school...Probably not.
If by 'good place,' you mean growing concern over my toxic behavior, nasty fights with my brother and mother, freaking out over school...Probably not.

Well that might be the reason why you're looking up morbid things then. If you find a way to deal with these problems - which, I appreciate might be easier said than done, then you might not have the need to view things that are upsetting.
Well, you don't have to deal with these problems but find a healthy outlet to express yourself. Writing a journal, being creative, listening to aggressive music. That sort of thing.
I would highly recommend CBT and mindfulness. I fully realise that just the word 'mindfulness' sounds like some hippy crap, but they used it quite a bit when I was doing CBT for OCD and I found it really helpful.
i totally agree on mindfulness,i use it a lot every day because of severe anxiety and intrusive thoughts,i also have OCD and an addictive personality like you OP, but never done any treatment for it, i actually found out i had attempted self treating myself after speaking to my pyschologist,i found out i did a very hard clap with both my hands every time i got an obsessive or intrusive thought and it would suddenly bring me out of it-but not always,i can recommend trying it though-i just assumed it was sensory seeking or a stim but my excellent shrink showed me it wasnt allways.
I always want to send someone to look up the things and tell me what they see. To have them scout it out.
Keep in mind that excessive worrying can be a specific trait and behavior. Just another reason I try to live in the moment, looking no more than 24 hours into the future as often as is possible.

I know on occasion I do find myself looking up information that is bound to alarm me financially. (Oh yeah- I just did.) :rolleyes:

It can be a frustrating and vicious cycle. In a very frustrating and vicious world. :eek:
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