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Do you seek better opportunities in other places, if they give you better and more chances for your area of interest?

I am thinking of moving to another place where there are more opportunities in finance, since I am interested in a career involving finance. I am not into finance for the money, I am into the knowledge of risk and the brainwork behind it.
You need to consider how stable this new opportunity is before making a move. If its something you can depend on you think its worth it, then ya it sounds awesome. But if its just a shot then its better to stick in a region that you know better. You need to think about where your going to live, work, who youre going to know. That kind of stuff
If I were a wannabe farmer, I'd hope to move to Indonesia or Malaysia, because there is simply not enough land to plow on in my town! Haha

But yeah, my future career is possible in Singapore, as we are like, what, the third or fourth largest Financial hub in the world?

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