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Origin of autism?!

The author appears to be an "independent researcher" with only one published article in an open-access journal with no visible editorial body on its website. Therefore, I don't find the journal very trustworthy---and quite frankly, it's going to take more than a single person's viewpoint to convince me of anything on this subject.
I skimmed the article wondering how credible it even was for this reason. Not sure how it all made me feel in conclusion.
Oh my goodness, I'm part caveman. Hahaha!
Actually that picture of the neanderthal child didn't look that different from modern humans.
The theory is interesting, and there might be some validity to it, but there are things I would want to have researched and fact-checked better before I'd actually start believing any of it.
The author admittedly relies mostly on only one source for his information on neurodiversity (Aspie Quiz), which, for me, makes it highly questionable and too much like he's using inductive method rather than deductive method in his scientific research.
Sorry if that came across as pedantic. I'm a research nut.

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