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Original jokes. Let's hear yours

Patrick Bushdiecker

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
This is from the other day and it only took me over 24 hours to finally come up with one
Canadian geese? How do you know they're Canadian? Because they have red wings! Apparently Red wings is a Canadian hockey team.
What do bees call their newborn?

Nothing. Bees cannot speak and therefore do not call baby bees anything. In fact, bees don't even call themselves bees. That name was forced on them.

I hope anti jokes count.
"Chicken Tonight? But I thought we were gonna have Chicken Tomorrow!" (My parents laugh)
Screenshot (389).png
This is my unique sense of humor. My Mom used to get mad at me and say, "how many times do I have to tell you, it's like it it just goes in one ear and out the other!"

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