My mom had whooping cough when she was an infant in the 1940s. They gave her a penicillin shot and her body reacted with a full body rash. It was a massive immune activating event. She developed bad yeast overgrowth and later diagnosed IBS and Crohn's. I believe she passed on maternal immune activation events to all three children. I was the firstborn. I was born with thrush in my mouth and eyes. I likely reacted to early vaccines. My little brother definitely did. She wrote it in her baby diary.
I always thought my mom had undiagnosed asperger's. My brother and sister are likely aspies also undiagnosed. All three of their children are as well, two diagnosed.
I was fully diagnosed aspie by a PHD later in life. My symptomology is alexithymia, isolation, and extreme physical hypersensitivity. I've also been diagnosed PTSD.
I've been to multiple aspergers support groups in the northern California area. I've seen all the aspie "types". There's a subgroup of the aspie types that are...what's the word...disgruntled, malcontent, clashing..? They get kicked out of asperger's support groups. That's the type I am. I've been kicked out of asperger's groups. I just can't contain myself. The question I want to scream in people's faces is HOW CAN YOU STAND EVERY WAKING MOMENT? That's why I consider myself in the "outcast" aspie group.
My voice is incredibly annoying. My father hated me and therefore it feels like every pair of eyes hates me too. It's weird how I trigger that projection from others. My vocab is high. I'm educated in math. I'm disabled. I'm painfully lonely without a possibility of a cure. Thank god for therapists. I've been in continual therapy for my adult life. Constant therapy can't be good for you but for an alex (alexithymic) I suppose I'm immune to the negative side of that.
I recognize the need for a lot of you folks to digest your "differentness" by labelling asperger's as a personality type. Unfortunately I can't say I respect it very much. I'm definitely in the autism is a disease camp. I've read Denial by Olmstead and Blaxill. I'd also refer the unconvinced to the documentary Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis; autism ain't no gift. I do have a chip on my shoulder and I resent the dismissal of the modern zombie apocalypse but I guess I'll leave my attitude about that here on the doorstep.
I'm a searcher. I've explored every healing modality and studied the human condition obsessively for years. I get disappointingly few crumbs of information from other aspies. I'm surprised at how few of them are extremely physically hypersensitive or don't even know what alexithymia means.
I suppose I'm here to find out HOW CAN YOU STAND IT?!?! Please forgive my bristles.
I always thought my mom had undiagnosed asperger's. My brother and sister are likely aspies also undiagnosed. All three of their children are as well, two diagnosed.
I was fully diagnosed aspie by a PHD later in life. My symptomology is alexithymia, isolation, and extreme physical hypersensitivity. I've also been diagnosed PTSD.
I've been to multiple aspergers support groups in the northern California area. I've seen all the aspie "types". There's a subgroup of the aspie types that are...what's the word...disgruntled, malcontent, clashing..? They get kicked out of asperger's support groups. That's the type I am. I've been kicked out of asperger's groups. I just can't contain myself. The question I want to scream in people's faces is HOW CAN YOU STAND EVERY WAKING MOMENT? That's why I consider myself in the "outcast" aspie group.
My voice is incredibly annoying. My father hated me and therefore it feels like every pair of eyes hates me too. It's weird how I trigger that projection from others. My vocab is high. I'm educated in math. I'm disabled. I'm painfully lonely without a possibility of a cure. Thank god for therapists. I've been in continual therapy for my adult life. Constant therapy can't be good for you but for an alex (alexithymic) I suppose I'm immune to the negative side of that.
I recognize the need for a lot of you folks to digest your "differentness" by labelling asperger's as a personality type. Unfortunately I can't say I respect it very much. I'm definitely in the autism is a disease camp. I've read Denial by Olmstead and Blaxill. I'd also refer the unconvinced to the documentary Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis; autism ain't no gift. I do have a chip on my shoulder and I resent the dismissal of the modern zombie apocalypse but I guess I'll leave my attitude about that here on the doorstep.
I'm a searcher. I've explored every healing modality and studied the human condition obsessively for years. I get disappointingly few crumbs of information from other aspies. I'm surprised at how few of them are extremely physically hypersensitive or don't even know what alexithymia means.
I suppose I'm here to find out HOW CAN YOU STAND IT?!?! Please forgive my bristles.