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Overly Sensitive - Have Trouble Getting Over Things


Well-Known Member
I don’t know how to accurately explain my post, but I would consider myself overly sensitive, I guess. Certain things really bother me, and then I have trouble getting over them. As an example, I work at my dad’s company (I highly recommend never working for a family member). I’m the person who gets stuck doing all the work no one else wants to do. We had a project that required the completion of approximately 25 spreadsheets. As of Friday, I had 23 fully completed with two remaining. My dad told me that he and a staff member were going to start reviewing them. I informed him that I had two left that were not ready for review, as I was waiting for information from others. At the end of the day, he tells me that they went through the two incomplete ones, gathered the needed information, and fixed everything, except for the tedious, unimportant sections that they were leaving for me. I know that I shouldn’t care (and some people would probably appreciate it), but I am so angry. I specifically asked that they not touch these two spreadsheets, and they just take it upon themselves to start finishing them. Of course they leave the annoying part for me.

I know I sound immature, but I don’t like when people touch my work. I’ve been working 7 days a week for the last month to ensure we meet our deadline, generally do good quality work, mind my own business, and don’t cause any issues. I don’t understand why they couldn’t let me finish my own project. I didn’t bother going in today and didn’t bother finishing the work, because I was in such a bad mood. Maybe the reality is that I’m actually angry about my situation in general. I feel trapped, I hate what I do, I don’t enjoy working for family, and I’m tired of being pushed around by everyone else. The bad part is that I can’t get my mind to let go of this. I’m dwelling on it nonstop, and I feel like it’s going to sabotage my entire holiday. Can anyone relate at all? I don’t know why I overreact to seemingly insignificant events.
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Maybe the reality is that I’m actually angry about my situation in general. I feel trapped, I hate what I do, I don’t enjoy working for family, and I’m tired of being pushed around by everyone else. The bad part is that I can’t get my mind to let go of this. I’m dwelling on it nonstop. Can anyone relate at all? I don’t know why I overreact to seemingly insignificant events.
You said it right there. Your underlying feelings of resentment are creating your hypersensitivity.
Perhaps it's time you stop doing this job. Stop working for the family. Found something you actually want to do, maybe even love to do.
Just a observation about work in general. At the end of the day the boss makes the call and can do what they please (within reason). Thats what bosses do. And the work is not yours, it's the company's.

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