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Mister Anonymity

Well-Known Member
Hello, I was just wondering, does anyone on this website have Pans/Pandas? I was told Pans/Pandas causes obsessive compulsive disorder, which I was diagnosed with. Is Pans/Pandas associated with Autism or does it mimic Autism?
"PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) occurs when strep triggers a misdirected immune response and results in inflammation on a child’s brain. In turn, the child quickly begins to exhibit life changing symptoms such as OCD, anxiety, tics, personality changes, decline in math and handwriting abilities, sensory sensitivities, restrictive eating, and more."

What is PANDAS/PANS/AE? | PANDAS Network

"Both PANS and PANDAS are associated with infection-triggered autoimmune responses known as 'molecular mimicry'. This occurs when our immune system mistakenly attacks normal body tissues because of the structural similarities between a particular molecule on an infectious agent and the molecules in our own body tissues."

"Studies have shown that when given appropriate anti-infective and/or immunological treatment, PANS and PANDAS patients experience symptom resolution, or their symptoms are dramatically reduced. Obtaining a correct diagnosis can be challenging, because PANS and PANDAS symptoms can mimic other illnesses."

PANS and PANDAS - autoimmune disorders that affect children
I was confused at first. I was thinking 'I have pans but who has pandas? Stuffed animal pandas maybe? ;)

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