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Password Problem...


I'll try to make a full return
I have this on mobile/iPod, so it remembers my password for me. But I don't actually know/remember what it is...

Password retrieval won't help because I can't remember the password to my e-mail account (I have no backup account, either)!

Do I have to make an entirely new account?
Can someone please help me out?
Isn't there a way for you to look at your stored passwords on your mobile device? I know most browsers offer this, not sure if all mobile devices do.

Not having a backup email, as well as forgetting your password isn't the smartest thing to do IMO. Your email probably is the biggest part of your online identity, so that's the one thing you need to be really careful with to keep access.

How are you accessing this forum? Through tapatalk? The iPhone/iPad app? Your mobile browser? Perhaps someone can give you some insight about the app in question.
If you're using Mobile Safari,

Settings → Safari →
Passwords & Autofill → Saved Passwords

You should be able to find it there. :)

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