Just Another Member
Hey guys, Austin again. I have an issue that's been bugging me for quite some time; I seem to constantly get haunted by these horrible thoughts from my past playing over and over and over in my head like mistakes, missed opportunities, and bad things I've said to people. Because of this, I have a hard time staying in the present moment, and I constantly also worry about my future mistakes that I'll make. I also worry that I'm going to screw up horribly one day and end up in jail or something like that by doing something stupid like hurting someone. I have a very hard time controlling my impulses, and it just seems that society really has no place for someone like me who can't succeed in everything he does, but instead fails and pushes people away with his ********. I just don't know what to do; I honestly spend most of my days isolating myself in my room all day, only going out when I need something, or hang out with what little friends and social workers I have left. I don't know how to move forward from my past and not worry about the future, and I was wondering if anyone can relate to this. Any advice would be helpful, thank you all.