That sounds really fancy. An indoor firework? Wow.
What traditions does the Anglican Church have on Pentecost? I have both an Episcopal Church and an Old Order Anglican Church in my neighborhood. I have visited both. The Old Order Anglican was very very fancy, high church. It almost felt like an ancient Eastern Orthodox service. It involved prayer books, and there was so much incense and the walls and ceiling were covered with the most beautiful frescoes, gilded with gold leaf, that I had ever seen.
I remembered that this year Passover (Pesach) fell a couple weeks later than Easter week. So I looked up when Shavuot (Jewish Pentecost/ Feast of Weeks) occurs. It'll begin at sunset on Wednesday, June 11th and go until sunset of the 13th. That's Sivan 5-7.
If you wanted to have a little fun, you could celebrate a double Pentecost in June, on the actual anniversary of its occurance, according to the Jewish calendar.
Shavuot is the anniversary of the day that God gave the ten commandments to the Jewish People. If you think about it, it's kinda cool how The Holy Spirit was given to the disciples of Jesus on the anniversary of the day that the law was given to the Jewish people.
Jewish people often will stay up late into the night, trying to read the entire Torah throughout the festival Shavuot. There are candles lit, and a feeling of joy in the air.
Because the gift of Torah is considered nourishing, comforting, and sweet, foods containing dairy and honey are traditionally eaten. In days of old, grain and fruit would be offered at the Temple, and so those are also traditional shavuot foods. Think of it as a sort of light, sweet, vegetarian, late spring buffet. Cheesecake being the ultimate Shavuot dessert.
I think if Jesus is known as the Living Word, and the fulfillment of Torah, then it'd be fun for Christians to mix in a little bit of Shavuot celebration too. It all wraps together, you know?