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People consider me rude

Scott aka SJ

New Member
I have difficulty not interrupting conversations at bars as I’m a musician and I impulsively interupt others just to inform them of something briefly. I realize it’s rude to interupt others’ conversations but I often do it compulsively. Also, I often times smoke weed socially and this seems to exacerbate the situation.
Also, I seem to benefit by thinking aloud. Like I can’t form cogent thoughts without verbalizing them.
This was beneficial behavior when I was a special educator as we call it metacognion. But now I’m retired n getting in trouble in my musician community because my unintended rude behavior of thinking aloud and interrupting others. Is this a symptom of Asperger’s ?
It could be, but if you really want to know you should get a formal diagnosis.

It appears to me that what you were doing as a special educator was the usual routine. You are by default following that routine elsewhere hence the compulsion. It may take some work to change that routine. Yes - changing routines is not a nice experience for us but it can be done with help if needed.
Welcome to the forum @Scott aka SJ. What you described could be a symptom of lots of different things. Maybe you would benefit from sticking around the forum and seeing if some of the experiences shared are relatable to you.

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