There is a certain problem. A lot of people get diagnosed with ADHD nowadays and take medicines to treat it. I was diagnosed with ADHD around the age of 18, very long ago and I was advised against medication and for lifestyle interventions and I agree with the reasoning behind it. The issue is, when I say this or that I have some kind of problem with ADHD and want to acommodate myself and can't come up with a way how, it seems like there is a crowd that jumps at me and tries to talk me into medications, because they work for them. When I try to elaborate, they argue that this or that side effect is unlikely or that it's all not true. I'd rather stay off medications in general, I get all the rare side effects under the sun. I don't have an issue with them handling their health however they see fit, but I'm me and they're themselves, we're different people and I don't want to do the same. For some reason, these people appear very pushy to me, I think it's a result of being denied medication before or people telling them it's not needed. They feel nervous or insecure, I think, like they have to prove something. Or simply project too much. Or it's the hyperactive aspect of their ADHD. What do I respond to them? They won't take "no, I'm glad it works for you, but I don't want to do that" for an answer, neither will they take explanations for an answer. If I explain, they deny the side effects, say they're not real and invalidate my experience that I get all the weird side effects under the sun, arguing that maybe I haven't found the right one. The last argument sounds like looking for "a pill" at all cost, and against reason and experience. Ugh. I'm so frustrated. What should I say to people like that?
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