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Perhaps this may help; regarding IBS


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I know that many of you on here, are like me, in the fact that you suffer digestive issues and that includes IBS.

Well, just a short while ago, I had a terrible bloated tummy and could feel the sensations of stabbing pains wanting to arrive, which always has me doubled over in agony; but on a hunch from the time before, I got on my stationary exercise bike and just did 10 minutes and wow it made such a difference. Bloating has gone and so has stabbing pains.

I did it once before, but did not mention, in case it was just a fluke.

Anyway, just an idea for future; rather than hitting pharm meds.
I like your posts because theybare so practical:-) I looked up that homeopthic med seditif.....It can be bought in us on amazon!! Yay. Ordering !
You might research yeast, I'm on a no starch no carb diet and I have never felt better and my skin is very clear.

I love bread but I gave it up.
I like your posts because theybare so practical:) I looked up that homeopthic med seditif.....It can be bought in us on amazon!! Yay. Ordering !

Good on you. But remember that although they work wonders with me, they may not with another and you must not take them at night. I did and had the worst case of anxiety and panic and it is to do with a very small dose of deadly nightshade.
Good on you. But remember that although they work wonders with me, they may not with another and you must not take them at night. I did and had the worst case of anxiety and panic and it is to do with a very small dose of deadly nightshade.

Do you know if it is a homeopathic medicine? They use minute doses of things.
I walk after I eat which does help but I still needs meds but I don't have enough collergen in my stomache so that's a big thing.
Yip, well if doctor told you to eat healthy, he'd not be lying, and loose a lot of patients.

Do doctors milk clients, well do they agree and readily hand out drugs, knowing all to well that antibiotics should used sparingly, that probably have allergies.

Why don't doctors refer you to IBS specialist readily, why is this such hidden, taboo issue?

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