It would imply that you are merely a product of your AS, and I find that hard to believe to be honest. Yes, I can see how some things might be more prevalent with people on the spectrum and thus might just be things that come with being an aspie. But the notion that your traits are all just parts of your AS... to me it sounds like you're saying "I am Aspergers" rather than "I have Aspergers".
Now, I will say that I'm sure that certain traits I have going on are colored by my AS, but that's about it; colored. It's also where at some point, therapists thought that I might suffer from narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial, avoidant and a few other disorders, because I for example am not to interested in other people. I never was much of a people person, my AS probably just made me change my lifestyle around to make it as optimal for me as I can. And that in this case involves only a bit of human contact.
But then again; I tend to have a strong personality and rather strong personality traits, at which point I can pretty much say "I've got 99 problems and AS ain't one of them". Yes, of course AS gives me issues in life, and will do in the future. Perhaps there's a disparity there in that strong personality traits override the AS ones. I for one think, that even if I were to get my AS issues sorted out through therapy (and one can wonder if they are even AS issues at all), I'm still nowhere as functional as someone not on the spectrum. I've just got too much going on for me aside from AS. I guess that's where it reverts back from "you're no aspie, you're just eccentric". And it's not like eccentric people have it all going for them in life either, lol.