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'Phone Zombies'


Well-Known Member
Storm, a presenter on Jeremy Vine tv show, called pedestrians using their phones without looking where they are walking 'phone zombies' and she says she stands still to allow them to walk into her. Do people agree this is the best course of action?
I don't know if it's the best thing to do, it seems kind of silly actually. But phone zombies seems an apt term as I saw someone today cycling with his elbows on his handlebars and his phone in his hands, reading something. Guess he could be called a bicycle zombie.
Then the zombie apocalypse is real, and been right in front of our face all this time. Interesting.
Best to just bludgeon or shoot them in the head to avoid getting bitten.


Negan & Lucille
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There is an animated music video out there that takes the pee out of people who are glued to their phones. Due to forum rules I can't show it but if anyone is interested I can show it if messaged.
Storm, a presenter on Jeremy Vine tv show, called pedestrians using their phones without looking where they are walking 'phone zombies' and she says she stands still to allow them to walk into her. Do people agree this is the best course of action?

phone zombies eh. interesting term. but yes. allot of people do it, and we need to find a way to make them aware of their surroundings. i also see people on their facebook or texting or whatever, and walking out into traffic! it is dangerous. i do not have high hopes for some people that do this. I would not stand in the way of such a person though. as they might get angry or upset and attack you, people today, are different.

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