m-theory, I am watching physics lectures/discussions on youtube on quantum fields and multiple dimensions. I don't know if alternate realities exist or what that means. Does a decision made result in one branch of reality but that branch ends or joins into the universe when another decision is made?
no the branch just continues on the same way our reality does.
Would we remember it?
no; because they're not happening in our reality. just because these different branches of reality exist does not mean that they're occurring in our universe. the theory of parallel universes in infinite... so with any choice you've ever made, there is a similar reality where you made the opposite choice. and that would go for everyone.
Does multiple universes only apply to the big picture or do our decisions impact any thing else than our lives.
Our decisions affect our universe quite literally. Because every part of creation is quite literally connected to it (this is along the lines of string theory as well but we can get into that at another time.)
Our decisions may impact global warming but not the gravitational constant or the speed of light.
Correct. universal truth is always universally constant and true regardless of human influence
Is there a universe that decided to have mass transit and limited gas vehicles so the carbon footprint is a lot lower? Don't know.
I'd bet on it.
I am trying to understand what math there is but it is all very theoretical. It is not 1+1=2. I am understanding more from the lectures that the 3 years of physics in college.
When/if you becomes interested, studying sacred geometry is very eye opening. It explains the origins of creation and sooooo much more.
Some stuff: was our universe a singularity before? I was watching a theory about two branes colliding and that could have been the start of our universe - and many other universes. So many documentaries/lectures.
Sacred geometry explains this perfectly.
I go to sleep listening to these youtube lectures. Someday I will wake up and go "I understand" but meanwhile I have a better sleep than watching/listening to reruns of Star Trek.