I have never self-harmed like that; I put several holes in my earlobes with corsage pins but I don't consider that self-harm. It's more hygienic (if done right) than having someone shoot a stud into your ear from a gun that has tiny bits of someone else's blood spatter on it. I don't see why using a hollow needle is better either, because what's wrong with just pushing the displaced flesh away rather than punch a hole in it like a hole puncher? People stretch their earlobes all the time.
I tried to cut myself first with a pen and then with a knife, but it hurt. And if I committed suicide it would be by heroin overdose, because it's priobably not painful, and I DEFINITELY would not do it by cutting (messy and gross), oral drugs (don't want to be found with my head in a pool of vomit; that would spoil the effect), hanging (|I| think breaking one's neck, whether accidentally or on purpose, is horrifying and gross somehow in its own way, and I hate things cutting into my throat), drowning (painful for me when I accidentally inhale water), burning (obvious), fall to my death (scary and gross), starvation (painful), stabbing or slitting my throat (gross and painful), electrocution (have you ever seen The Green Mile?), beheading (gross, painful), shooting (might botch it and wind up crazy or stupid for the rest of my life, and it's gross), gassing (you have heard of what went on in the Auschwitz gas chambers, right?) even heroin overdose if I didn't do it right, and I might need someone to help me, keep injecting me after I pass out.