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Playing with words


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Could my love for playing with words, how they sound together in a sentence, tending to like groups of three adjectives, the love of playing with synonyms, etc. Could this be part of my ASD?

I don't exactly manifest echolalia in the traditional sense of it that much. Although I do make up melodies in my head and hum them when anxious. But I've noticed something similar to echolalia in me, only in written form.

What are your thoughts?
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Maybe. I do similar things. I like rhyming words and puns.
I'm pretty sure that my unending fascination with creating strange and twisted sentences is part of my "brain thing."

When I write seriously I have to edit out 90% of the weirdness. The writing becomes much easier to read and understand, but looses a lot of (what seems to me to be) fun.

(The weirdest part is that I tend to suddenly burst into song by writing lyrics from old songs whenever the "mood" of the song feels like it matches the "mood" of the thing I'm writing - I literally can't not do it)
I like my prose to have a rhythm😅 otherwise it feels meh. I don't like meh.
Yes. I believe one of the forum members here was asked about such games as an autistic symptom.

I used to a mental stim of sorts by taking random suffixes and counting how many words I could make with it. Like, and, band, hand, land, sand, etc...
@jsilver256 We know that it is just something we do for fun but some neurotypicals seem to think us crazy when we do such things. 😄
I don't think in words and don't vocalise text in my head when reading or writing. Maybe I do think in words, it has just struck me recently, but my words are signs, symbols, hieroglyphs, and they're not in linear order, but scattered, perhaps in a short animation. Often a scheme of how something works. I'm definitely an abstract thinker, not the Temple Grandin object thinker.

I used to a mental stim of sorts by taking random suffixes and counting how many words I could make with it. Like, and, band, hand, land, sand, etc...
Me too
I don't know when I started reading, but I remember being told that I was reading above my level when I was around 8.
Right now l am taking two languages. But l don't necessarily like one of them, so l am taking the second one to motivate with the first one. But it's also a fascination with words.
Right now l am taking two languages. But l don't necessarily like one of them, so l am taking the second one to motivate with the first one. But it's also a fascination with words.
I am fascinated with languages. Sometimes I have trouble settling down on certain ones to learn because I am so fascinated with languages in general. If nothing else, at least I have quite a collection of polite essential phrases. 😅 I have made better progress on a couple of them.

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