The acceptable standard for posting to our forum is to be maintained at a PG-13 level.
This rule applies to all material posted here, including uploaded videos and text from outside sources.
Before you post, please ask yourself if you would feel comfortable sharing your information with a 13 year old.
If not, your information to others might be more appropriate in a private message.
Thank you for your consideration of others.
This rule applies to all material posted here, including uploaded videos and text from outside sources.
Before you post, please ask yourself if you would feel comfortable sharing your information with a 13 year old.
If not, your information to others might be more appropriate in a private message.
Thank you for your consideration of others.
Posting Guidelines and Member Conduct #6. Use of explicit language is not allowed. General Rules & Guidelines
This means no cursing/obscenity/profanity/vulgarity in written or spoken form. This includes *work arounds* such as replacing letters with "x"s, numerals or spelling/punctuation variations, abbreviations, as well as links to NSFW material.