Disagree @Boogs. I like the support you are giving to the op, but in my opinion guys are usually less selfish for dating. Far more men are willing to at least consider all types of women, whereas women are usually far more pickier for guys.
But..., that's your perception as a (presumed) male? And I think the apps tend to exacerbate the worst behaviours and encourage a lack of responsibility as to how people treat each other. Prospective partners are commodified, and those seeking them are distorted because of that, they end up 'shopping' for a partner or a date and thus treating them like items on a shelf to be disparaged or bought.
I direct my ire at men in this context because I do see a lot of atrocious behaviour in them and can better understand/perceive it from a male perspective, and in addition its a male behaving like that in this case.
I wasn't implying (some) women are not equally badly behaved in their own fashion.
Also, to try to rationalise women's behaviour in the same way would become wrapped in my own psychological involvement with emotionally triggering romantic thoughts of relationships unavailable to me. My vision would be even more distorted and hence inaccurate when the OP was not even looking at that.
There are far more disabled and average guys alone than disabled and average women, and far more guys without good jobs or character flaws alone than women.
Hmmm, while I can understand the message, I 'd have to ask how you know this? If from personal experience I'd question the validity when applied generically to all. If it's from research I'd be interested to know what.
Not disputing it, but wonder how that's known, seems to be a highly subjective view (using the phrase "good character" seems rather a poor definition?)
And lets not forget that it's believed now that many high-functioning ASD women hide their condition better than men, making this sort of gender related research difficult.
... guys who are in no hurry to move to higher or quicker levels should be respected for taking their time to make sure things are a fit.
Completely agree, but how do you determine that's the cause, and that the guy (or woman) is not stringing them along? If in this case the guy had any interest it wouldn't be hard to indicate a 'laid-back' interest instead of completely blanking someone? Seems rather rude to me, but I'm not experienced with this on-line dating game, so maybe it's just me and it's normal to treat people like that? if it is I'm happy to avoid it!
To put in context - I believe that in general humans respect resources in short supply. Where they are, they are given a value commensurate with their rarity and importance, and this applies to finding partners as much as buying commercial products. When something, anything, becomes too freely available humans tend to treat that resource with less respect. I believe this is one of the negative factors in a whole range of social media. Sometimes the resources are people, and I think this is happening more and more - make it too easy to connect with others and people will tend to value those people less as they are more replaceable and it makes it easier to hate people for biased and discriminatory reasons, and it's not a good thing and is one of the factors creating a less humanitarian global community and more chaotic world.