Lian Ellison
New Member
Hi , I’ve just joined up as I found this forum whilst ‘googling’ why, as an Aspie, my memory is soooo bad!
I was relieved to note that I’m not alone in this.
I’m very newly diagnosed - just over a month ago now. I’m 48!!!
I have very poor childhood memories, trouble with names - even people that I’ve known of since forever. Conversations I’ve had, events I attended - can’t remember them! I find it near impossible to retain facts I’ve learnt - I often have to re-read and re-learn them, if someone asks me how much something cost that I recently bought I draw a blank - I just don’t retain that type of information. How I got two university qualifications I’ll never know!! It concerns me because I read that we are meant to have these wonderful, almost photographic memories - not I!!! Is there anyone on here that knows why this is so, and is this common out there?
Thank you
I was relieved to note that I’m not alone in this.
I’m very newly diagnosed - just over a month ago now. I’m 48!!!
I have very poor childhood memories, trouble with names - even people that I’ve known of since forever. Conversations I’ve had, events I attended - can’t remember them! I find it near impossible to retain facts I’ve learnt - I often have to re-read and re-learn them, if someone asks me how much something cost that I recently bought I draw a blank - I just don’t retain that type of information. How I got two university qualifications I’ll never know!! It concerns me because I read that we are meant to have these wonderful, almost photographic memories - not I!!! Is there anyone on here that knows why this is so, and is this common out there?
Thank you