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Poor Vision and Visual Overstimulation


Well-Known Member
i had this thought this afternoon when i came home and was decompressing: maybe for those with problems with overstimulation, having poor vision is actually a bonus. i can take off my glasses and reduce the amount of information i'm seeing!
When I need a time out to decompress, I usually like to go into a dark quiet room - that way there's nothing but me and my thoughts.
I agree. Though since I can't see anything further than about 7 cm/3 in without my glasses on I typically also take a nap since I'm not able to do much.
i had this thought this afternoon when i came home and was decompressing: maybe for those with problems with overstimulation, having poor vision is actually a bonus. i can take off my glasses and reduce the amount of information i'm seeing!
I'm a little sensitive towards the ceiling light, but when a light is warm my eyes can handle it. I also tend to "fuzz things out" on purpose sometimes, refocusing like a camera lense.
I notice these days, no lights, windows with shades, and wishing myself to slow down and clear my mind, like faux meditation. I probably should start a meditation diet.

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