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Post Drafts Disappearing


Speaking through Pictures
V.I.P Member
Most of the time, when I have written a post, but don't post it at that moment, it will still be there after having navigated away from that thread or having logged out and back in again. Which is great! Sometimes though, the post I've written, but not yet posted, isn't there when I go back to the thread. Does anyone know what determines whether or not the 'draft' post remains or disappears? Do draft posts dissapear after a set period of time for example? Any info that helps me to understand how this works would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
Good question. I've noticed that on occasion myself....wondering what actually trips the data being cached under those circumstances. Or does it get purged when the browser cache is cleared? I just haven't really checked...hmmmmm. I have my browser set to clear the cache each time it's shut down.
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I hadn't thought about the possibility of it being purged when the browser cache is cleared. I shall experiment with that and see what happens :).

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