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Post game thoughts and reviews of this forum


Well-Known Member
This is a great autism forum that I've seen. We all seem to advocate in more positive and thoughts out game to understand those normies and we aspire. Hmmm it's interesting predicament. I don't know it's interesting how we seem to evolve in more a collaborative way online as the term was using a way to describe scientifically a way to the information age that you may choose to take advantage of the direct sales a0proach. But it's the system if it uses if your content is relevant today even if prior knowledge from others on the right section of this database of technology related to unite all online because walking tij your neighbor's front door will more work to be done travelling back and forth. So now its not a matter of distance but do I really need a cup of sugar or the latest gossip to keep in the loop what is relevant. The truth will set you free. So goo out there make a difference. L8r
I am not sure what you're saying.
There are some positive statements,
but it's really not clear to me.
I am not sure what you're saying.
There are some positive statements,
but it's really not clear to me.
The pieces of my autistic spectrum disorder has left me in such a state and psychiatry has failed. But always still thankful I am not alone. My verbal speech can't keep up with thoughts and all careteam seems to be dumbstruck. So I learning write but even still it's like yoda speaking
I could follow you with a bit of difficulty. my first posts were a bit of a mess as I was over coming my stroke no more touch typing spelling phonetically.

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