This is awesome. I'm not terribly religious, I'm still trying to find god somewhere. I'm a pastor's kid, so the upbringing is there, as well as the desire, connection seems to be down. my request is for my health.I have several health issues that threaten me, eating disorder being the first and foremost. That's hard to admit, but I really struggle with it. I've been turned down for inpatient due to asd 3 times.I have dizzy spells, constant headaches, and it's literally eating me alive. I want my prayers to go higher than the ceiling. Maybe you all will have better luck than I seem to have. I just need to find the right help. My family just ignores it. They told me, well you haven't died yet, so it must not be bad. It's bad. I've had this for 30 years and my hope for recovery is dwindling. I need divine intervention. I want to find god before I get any older. My very christian family thinks I am doomed, demon oppressed because of asd, and a lost cause. I'd like to not be. Thank you very much.