Well-Known Member
I have a good friend who I play d&d with. He has aspergers disorder. I am trying to be good friends with him but we keep running into problems. I am very religious and he keeps hounding me about my beliefs(he's an atheist) to the point that it is disturbing to me. I do not believe he is trying to be rude or mean with it. He often talks for hours to me and I enjoy our conversations (I'm a very quiet person so I don't mind when he rants, I actually prefer when other people dominate conversations.) but I get burned out on social interaction easier than most people. I've had a lot of difficulty expressing that he needs to leave in the past. The problem is that I have schizotypal personality disorder. Expressing myself is extremely hard, my thoughts are disorganized, I have social anxiety, I speak in a flat tone etc. It's not the religion thing I'm looking for advice on though part of my disorder is having strange to the point of incoherent religious beliefs making it hard to express what exactly I believe in. I was hoping you people would have tips for ways to express myself that he would understand. Should I be extremely blunt? I'm paranoid so it's very hard for me to be "rude" to people as I then have fear. Are there any strategies or tips to dealing with an autistic spectrum disorder person? I want him to more easily understand my intentions without being rude or mean to him but I have trouble being direct with people. Does anyone have any advice?