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Problems with Boredom

Georgia Galaxy

Georgie Girl <3
V.I.P Member
I recently saw a video that said, "You should sit with and accept boredom." I don't fully agree with this (especially with the negative tone of most of his videos, I prefer a positive tone thank you!), yet I am actually quite a relaxed person so I do reach a bored state of nothing to do quite often, it's not as bad as people think ^^. He says that most people have trouble just sitting with their emotions, but in my case I've done that a little too much and enjoy action <33 Here's the video:
From my perspective, I do get bored easily, so I have to channel it into reading, learning, special interests, doing activities, etc. I literally need to keep my brain stimulated. If I do get bored, I shut down. It's not uncommon for me to just go take a nap when I get bored. I'd rather not, of course, but sometimes I get exhausted and unmotivated despite my logical brain telling me to get off my behind and do something. Surely, there ARE things I should or could be doing. Better to just take a nap and wake up when my wife is about to come home from work, I try to convince myself that this is better for some reason. For me, it's not a good thing to just sit and accept boredom. It's just a waste of time when I could be doing something somewhat constructive, but I get it, I've been there.
When I was working for families with young children, and especially when I was a nanny, I learned about the idea of boredom as a useful way for children to find new interests. I read several articles about how keeping children engaged every second of every day is not really beneficial to them. Especially when they are at home at the end of a day’s activity, boredom allows them to really start to wonder about what interests them and ultimately encourages them to develop intrinsic motivation toward finding things to do. I always thought that was interesting, where a “less is more” approach to caring for children made sense.
I like that. I'm totally not ever going to say that I'm bored anymore. I'm instead going to say that I sure am encouraged to develop intrinsic motivation right now.
I recently saw a video that said, "You should sit with and accept boredom." I don't fully agree with this (especially with the negative tone of most of his videos, I prefer a positive tone thank you!), yet I am actually quite a relaxed person so I do reach a bored state of nothing to do quite often, it's not as bad as people think ^^. He says that most people have trouble just sitting with their emotions, but in my case I've done that a little too much and enjoy action <33 Here's the video:
Not just that but additionally, I have been kind of sick, as well as having a sore throat and period, so I've been physically suffering for many weeks now, but I'm relieved that it's nearly finally over :). This has affected my mood immensely in very negative ways, but my body's been fighting really hard. I've stayed really positive and happy for a painful week, and today I let out feelings of anger and jealousy for family members. This is very typical for teenagers to do sometimes. After a few minutes I calmed down, wrote stuff down and texted another family member (who is older than both of them; an elder). It's good to listen to your elders, I found yesterday that calling my Mum helped me feel better too <3
When I was working for families with young children, and especially when I was a nanny, I learned about the idea of boredom as a useful way for children to find new interests. I read several articles about how keeping children engaged every second of every day is not really beneficial to them. Especially when they are at home at the end of a day’s activity, boredom allows them to really start to wonder about what interests them and ultimately encourages them to develop intrinsic motivation toward finding things to do. I always thought that was interesting, where a “less is more” approach to caring for children made sense.
Yo yeah, that's exactly what the video was talking about, and I have actually agreed that giving into boredom can be a good thing, and I haven't felt bored lately because it's been very necessary to rest ^^
From my perspective, I do get bored easily, so I have to channel it into reading, learning, special interests, doing activities, etc. I literally need to keep my brain stimulated. If I do get bored, I shut down. It's not uncommon for me to just go take a nap when I get bored. I'd rather not, of course, but sometimes I get exhausted and unmotivated despite my logical brain telling me to get off my behind and do something. Surely, there ARE things I should or could be doing. Better to just take a nap and wake up when my wife is about to come home from work, I try to convince myself that this is better for some reason. For me, it's not a good thing to just sit and accept boredom. It's just a waste of time when I could be doing something somewhat constructive, but I get it, I've been there.
I'm glad you get it ^^ I take mini naps pretty often :P I guess I have a lazy attitude to life sometimes and rest fairly often in order to be energetic

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