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Pronunciation of Aspergers?

danyalson But you can still keep your Diagnosis you got as Aspergers. And frankly the DSM-V IIRC isn't the universal book of mental disorders/diversities and psychologies and I am very skeptical of that book.
That's good. Although if I tell people it's HFA they tend to understand what I'm talking about more. Either way... It is what it is. Lol
I say "AS-pergers" with the hard G.

And they did away with the Aspergers Syndrome diagnosis? I don't like that. I know it doesn't make a difference at the end of the day, but I still don't like it. I'm still not quite finished adjusting to Aspergers Syndrome. Please let me get comfortable with that term before modifying and changing and dissolving it!
Way back when I was to meet my first Aspie in person as part of a gaming group, one fellow did his best one night as we chatted online and tried to prepare me for him so we wouldn't have trouble getting along. (In the end, no worries, he made more sense to me than the others.) He couldn't remember precisely what it was called and went with "ass burger". I was only vaguely familiar with it at the time, so I was able to provide a proper spelling for him, but not much more than that. And since then I prefer to pronounce it "az-per-jer". Elsewise, I am taken by a fit of immature giggles.
Ass-pie sounds even worse too me, why did they name this awesome forum after something as awful sounding as ass pie?!
Yeaaaaah, I assumed it was pronounced "ass-pee", which isn't much better than butt pie. Isn't ass pee a metaphor for diarrhea? I better shut up before my mind goes even further.

I sense that the English language is the only one that has this much trouble with "Asperger". Or did they do this deliberately because they knew our over-technical side would analyze every possible mispronunciation and assumption we could possibly come up with? I feel a conspiracy at work here!
I usually say it like Ass purge ers. Though I have no idea why my ass needs purging LOL
Hard g.
Different language, different wordpuns...
In dutch asperges is Asparagus.
Some folk think I have a vegetable syndroom.
I don't know if the way h is pronounced in Britain differs a lot. But the people I know pronounce h not 'haitch'. But on TV I have noticed a lot on UK gameshows a lot of contestants saying haitch

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