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Well-Known Member
I did do a search and nothing I was looking for showed up, so sorry if this has been answered in another thread. I recently got a PS4 and am looking for people to play with online. So far the only games I have with multiplayer are The Last of Us and Project Cars. I understand that people might not want to have some information for everyone to see so feel free to reply in this thread or contact me via PM if you're interested in having some more playstation friends or playing these games together, although I probably won't use the headset for a while.

Anyone interested?
Also what PS4 games do you own/recommend and what are you looking forward to? I'm planning on getting Mad Max, Star Wars Battlefront, Madden 2016, NBA2K16, and No Man's Sky.

EDIT: This post didn't go through for some reason. Instead of posting it again with a new reply I'll just post it here. This is a video of my gameplay that happened today, the ending I thought was pretty funny.
I've never played a fallout game. Are they really that good? And do I need to play or at least read up on the previous games or are they just standalone stories?

Shame about you being a loner, I only have one friend to play with online and both The Last of Us and Project cars aren't that interesting when playing with only 2 players. We'll both be getting Star Wars Battlefront on release and I think that has bots which should help. We've tried playing together with strangers but again it's lacking. We just want fun where we can talk to each other over the headset to have a laugh but I can't talk to strangers so it isn't an option outside of private games.

I just want to get some people together where we can get to know each other over text and play and then maybe eventually use microphones to communicate in game but I have no idea how to make that happen. I've made a The Last of Us forum for a clan but I don't see it getting any members, and this thread isn't getting replies.

Also if you don't already have it, I would highly recommend the last of us if you have a PS4. It's a well written story that's touching, scary and challenging. One of the most fun and addicting games I've played in years.
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Yeah I have last of us it's very good ! Fallout is somewhat of a continued story but it's not a must that you play the one before :) the gameplay just came out at e3 and it looks incredible

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