Here's some -- not all -- of the public domain works in my eBook collection.
All of the books are in the EPUB format. If you want, you can convert the books yourself to the MOBI format (which is what Kindle uses), or any other format, using Calibre. If you need me to show you how to convert books, I can show you.
Author list:
Blackwood, Algernon
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Carroll, Lewis
Dumas, Alexandre
Dunsany, Lord
Hodgson, William Hope
James, M. R.
Le Fanu, Sheridan
Link, Kelly
London, Jack
Lovecraft, H. P.
MacDonald, George
Mirrlees, Hope
Onions, Oliver
Poe, Edgar Allan
I didn't include the few poorly-formatted public domain works in my collection. I'm quite certain that all of the works included in the archive are well-formatted.
Anyway, enjoy . . . nerds.
All of the books are in the EPUB format. If you want, you can convert the books yourself to the MOBI format (which is what Kindle uses), or any other format, using Calibre. If you need me to show you how to convert books, I can show you.
Author list:
Blackwood, Algernon
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Carroll, Lewis
Dumas, Alexandre
Dunsany, Lord
Hodgson, William Hope
James, M. R.
Le Fanu, Sheridan
Link, Kelly
London, Jack
Lovecraft, H. P.
MacDonald, George
Mirrlees, Hope
Onions, Oliver
Poe, Edgar Allan
I didn't include the few poorly-formatted public domain works in my collection. I'm quite certain that all of the works included in the archive are well-formatted.
Anyway, enjoy . . . nerds.