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How are any of you with the time keeping of other people and if they are late or early if you have an appointment or meeting etc?

I have put some vintage speakers for sale on Facebook marketplace against my better judgement really and the guy said he would be coming at 1-ish today (which I absolutely hate by the way, I prefer someone gives a set time then just an "ish" at the end of a time). Now its 1.15pm and no sign of him and no message on Messenger to say he is running late. I went to the trouble of setting up my amp and speakers in the kitchen for him to hear them playing.

I get very anxious when people are coming to my house who I don't know, I use Freecycle often to give things away but have the same issues, some people don't turn up or waste time etc. The least someone could do is message and say they are running late or not coming at all. My anxiety goes up when I have people coming to the house, hence why I prefer using eBay but eBay's charges now are getting ridiculous, I sell something for £30 and end up with just £25-26 after their fees.

Anyways, if he doesnt turn up soon I will cancel the advert and just put them on Freecycle. At least with Freecycle I will just give them the speakers at the door, I dont have to demonstrate they are working. I hate people not sticking to times and more so when they are late than early. Early is bad enough for late makes me angry and anxious both at the same time.
I've had similar experiences selling things on internet marketplaces. People show up at oddball times,...not show up at all,...want to chew you down on price, well below what you are reasonably asking for. Frankly, I could donate some of this stuff and get a tax write-off,...but NO, I was stupid enough to deal with the public. I swear, "How do people live their lives so unstructured?" When I say I am going to be there at 13:00,...I will be there at 13:00,...even if I am traveling hours to make the appointment. There's no,..."I got stuck in traffic", "There was an accident",...none of that. Someone had better have died, including myself, in order to not make an appointment. Maybe I'm the weird one. :rolleyes:
Around here we just put stuff on the curb with a 'Free' sign on them. They usually are gone within a day or two. Sometimes in just an hour or two. No face to face needed.

Like you, I use Ebay for things that have more value (and are small enough to ship reasonably). And yeah it gets harder to squeeze a profit, but I guess some money is better then no money.
The guy turned up at around 1.30pm and he was a nice guy and we chatted about a bit about how over priced all vintage and retro things are now and how charity shops charge too much now. Anyways I was anxious and I don't like people being late like that but he was an alright guy in the end.
I figure they will be late. Unless someone is supposed to arrive after a given time and I've got until then to do something and then they'll be early.

If the cable guy gives noon to 4 pm window and I go shopping in the am, they will arrive at 9 am. If I stay at home they'll text me at 5 that they can't make it.

Your time will NEVER be as important to the other guy as it is to you. I accept it as a given. Whenever possible, have a way to check up on where the other person is. Otherwise, your time belongs to them.
If someone gives a certain time, I don't want them showing up earlier.
I can continue to do what I want up until said time for arriving and I expect it
to be that way.
I'd rather they be a little late. Little meaning 15-20 mins.
If they can't make it or will be more than those few minutes late, they should
call or text to let me know.

Repairmen are the worst.
Those time windows of several hours are always just yuck. And I'm anxious about them coming into the house anyway.
I've found with those time windows they usually arrive or call that they will be
early. :confused:
I think the "ish" is on purpose so that they don't commit themselves to a set time that they know they might not make due to circumstances which are often beyond their control. I agree, it's annoyingly vague - I'd rather people gave a more precise time (and stuck to it), or if they think they might be a bit late, they can say so, or they can give a call/send a message to say that they are running late.
I think the "ish" is on purpose so that they don't commit themselves to a set time that they know they might not make due to circumstances which are often beyond their control. I agree, it's annoyingly vague - I'd rather people gave a more precise time (and stuck to it), or if they think they might be a bit late, they can say so, or they can give a call/send a message to say that they are running late.
Agreed about the "ish" I just don't like the vagueness of it. Sometimes I don't mind lateness as long as they message me beforehand.
Although I do get irritated at those that say they’ be there for a certain time and aren’t there for another half hour or more without at least notice, I can deal with lateness and am fairly flexible in punctuality but past a certain timeframe and I can’t help but be a bit irritable as now all my plans thereafter are changing at least slightly.
The larger problem I have is that I’m the one that you mention Alex, the one that has trouble committing to a time. I can plan as much as I like, account for as much as I can think of and allow grace or leeway for error even.. but when it comes time, I can’t always control how I am at the time. I experience a lot of sensory issues, GI issues and experience bouts of pain, nausea and even fainting/unconsciousness at times. When I plan from days out I will usually only narrow down to a two hour window, within a few hours of I can usually narrow down to a 30min window.. but it still happens sometimes that I may get stuck waiting for something to pass and go beyond that window. I try to communicate anything that will affect that window along the way, as soon as I am aware.. so usually the only time I am decently bothered by someone else, is the no-show’s or lack of communication.
Although I do get irritated at those that say they’ be there for a certain time and aren’t there for another half hour or more without at least notice, I can deal with lateness and am fairly flexible in punctuality but past a certain timeframe and I can’t help but be a bit irritable as now all my plans thereafter are changing at least slightly.
The larger problem I have is that I’m the one that you mention Alex, the one that has trouble committing to a time. I can plan as much as I like, account for as much as I can think of and allow grace or leeway for error even.. but when it comes time, I can’t always control how I am at the time. I experience a lot of sensory issues, GI issues and experience bouts of pain, nausea and even fainting/unconsciousness at times. When I plan from days out I will usually only narrow down to a two hour window, within a few hours of I can usually narrow down to a 30min window.. but it still happens sometimes that I may get stuck waiting for something to pass and go beyond that window. I try to communicate anything that will affect that window along the way, as soon as I am aware.. so usually the only time I am decently bothered by someone else, is the no-show’s or lack of communication.
I can totally understand that and you have valid reasons. I agree with you, it's more about communication or a no show, that's the worst but I also like if a person says a time that they stick to that time. I get very anxious when a stranger is coming to the house, be it to buy something (which admittedly is much rarer now I use eBay to sell) or someone from Freecycle. I can't sit still and I pace up and down a lot. Admittedly I can also get annoyed if a friend does it. I only have one friend now anyway, but even he is late if he says he is coming round and it annoys me.

I think the key is communication and you are right in what you said.
I get really anxious if people are late or I'm late to something. I have to mentally prepare and plan for things before I do them, so I want people to give me specific times for them. If people don't stick to that time I start to wonder if it's going to mess with the rest of the things that I have to do that day + what will change about the situation due to them being late, and I get freaked out.
I get really anxious if people are late or I'm late to something. I have to mentally prepare and plan for things before I do them, so I want people to give me specific times for them. If people don't stick to that time I start to wonder if it's going to mess with the rest of the things that I have to do that day + what will change about the situation due to them being late, and I get freaked out.
Agree with what you say. Often though I can't think of a specific reason for why it annoys me other than I just want people to stick to the time they said. I think it's because of the anxiety of strangers visiting, I just want it over and done as quickly as possible. I don't trust most people.

I like your screen name. Which version of Legend of Zelda is your favourite?
Agree with what you say. Often though I can't think of a specific reason for why it annoys me other than I just want people to stick to the time they said. I think it's because of the anxiety of strangers visiting, I just want it over and done as quickly as possible. I don't trust most people.

I like your screen name. Which version of Legend of Zelda is your favourite?
Thank you. My favourite Zelda games are Twilight Princess and Wind Waker.
Thank you. My favourite Zelda games are Twilight Princess and Wind Waker.
I love the Wind Waker too, not sure about Twilight Princess though, I have played through it twice. I bought a Wii U second hand for my son recently and their is a HD version of Twilight Princess on there, I ought to play it. Also I will get Breath of The Wild for the Wii U at some time.

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