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Put off becoming a VIP member


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I was going to pay for a VIP membership but a number of factors put me off.

Firstly you HAVE to open a Paypal account and give Paypal access to your bank.
I don't trust anyone and that includes Paypal. Whilst I have dealt with Paypal in the past and I have heard much praise about them I do not and will not trust any financial organisation that has access to the internet.
I'm sure Paypal may have much in the way of security but I don't know what for a fact therefore they are out.

Secondly, the subscription is ongoing. That means leaving my payment details with Paypal. Again, a big no for me.

If it were a case of making one-off payments every year, though Paypal that would be ok.

Just a thought.
Rightfully so to be weary about payment options such as paypal.

However, if anyone has any ideas how to make international payments easily available I'm quite sure Brent would be willing to look into it. Heck, I would be interested just for knowing other ways of online payment; who knows if someone might benefit from it if he/she runs a business as well.
I think there would be a lot more VIP members if we had more choices to pay for it.
How come I became a V.I.P member automatically and didn't pay anything? Is it coz I'm always logged on and interacting?
I think there would be a lot more VIP members if we had more choices to pay for it.

Oh, most likely so...

But as I said; what other options would you all prefer? With keeping in mind that it should preferably be one that works internationally given the international nature of this forum.

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