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Question about Autism Speaks


Active Member
Firstly I think this description from their website is kind of amusing “Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, as well as by unique strengths and differences. We now know that there is not one autism but many types, caused by different combinations of genetic and environmental influences.”

So my first question is, since when is autism a noun? My other question is why does this organization still exist and what can we do to try and get rid of it?
So my first question is, since when is autism a noun?
I'm not defending Autism Speaks, but almost all "-isms" are nouns...
Maybe in the sense of the noun of things that can be counted? Most -isms are either concepts or other intangible things.
I think I can see how this sounds off (nobody would say one realism or one cannibalism without adding something like "form" in the sentence), yet I think I kind of see what they meant; they're just missing that very form I was just writing about (for example "there isn't one single form of autism", this is just for the sake of grammar, I'm not saying it is scientifically accurate), which ends up odd.

So Autism speaks, sure, but it doesn't speak proper English, does it?
Maybe in the sense of the noun of things that can be counted? Most -isms are either concepts or other intangible things.
I think I can see how this sounds off (nobody would say one realism or one cannibalism without adding something like "form" in the sentence), yet I think I kind of see what they meant; they're just missing that very form I was just writing about (for example "there isn't one single form of autism", this is just for the sake of grammar, I'm not saying it is scientifically accurate), which ends up odd.

So Autism speaks, sure, but it doesn't speak proper English, does it?

One of my favorite lyrics from give peace a chance is :

'Everybody's talking about this-ism, that-ism, ism-ism-ism'
I believe they posted a double digit drop in revenue.

The campaign against them is large, vocal and will certainly not let up.

They cannot maintain their position in the face of such online hostility from the people they claim to speak for.

My guess is that they will start shitting themselves when they fail to turn it around, and then they will sack people and start to change their ways. They'll hire autistic board members and drop the euthanasia to save their revenue.

Many people will never forgive them, but enough will cease to persecute them and they will continue to grow from then. Half pariah, half autism advocate.
I'm somewhat new to this, so I haven't really heard of Autism Speaks. What did they do that was so bad? Is there a thread or a link explaining it?
If you use the forum's search function, you'll discover any number of threads with some choice words many of us have regarding "Autism Speaks".

An organization which IMO primarily serves Neurotypical parents of autistic children, who seems to advocate treating autism more like a disease to be stamped out much like cancer. And a common theme that seems to reflect ignoring that autistic children grow up into autistic adults.

That if one who is on the spectrum seeks the support of a true advocacy group for autistic people, this is one to avoid altogether. Oh sure, from time to time you'll see press releases claiming that they are attempting to become more progressive about such issues, but I simply do not trust their intent and likely never will.
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While I don't agree with Autism Speaks (that autism needs a cure), I am still concerned about the uptick in extreme co-morbid conditions that appear to have a contemporary environmental component. Is anyone looking at these dispassionately, without vilifying neuro-diversity?

Even with Aspergers in my family, the infantilization of two of my adult children is unprecedented.

I think that is where Autism Speaks is making their mistake. They don't seem to recognize that autism by itself is a good thing. Autistic complications are the bad thing.
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