As said above, yes it is possible. If you give us some more detail of your difficulties we might be able to point you to resources or more refuse information
well some of my difficulties that I noticed in college include:
1. Loosing my place filling out those scantrons, or anything that is like that idk it is really hard to explain but like on a test when the question(s) gives possible answers for only selective questions. Such as "for questions 1-5 select which one matches the deffintion for each. And then I have to choose from A, B, C, D for which match 1,2,3,4,5.
Like I said it is really hard to explain what kind of questions I mean but hope you understand what I mean.
2. Explaining myself. I can never find the write sentences to use or write especially notice this when it comes to writing essays, or open ended questions.
3. Everytime there is a long question in a test I tend to read it fast and not carefully or skip it and come back later because of how much reading is involved and sentences.
4. I have a difficult time following directions verbally. My professor gave us directions on how to color and label each mitosis and meiosis step and said it many times but I can never follow up or understand what she is saying yet everyone else gets it.
5. During the Lab Practical when it was time for us to hand in our labs, even though I started the same as everyone, I was the last one standing to put my labs at her desk and gather my stuff together. Everyone was waiting on me to start the test because I was taking so long to gather my labs despite them being in the same folder.
6.When I do math or anything with reverse in it I get it mixed up. For example if the answer is -8 I might instead put 8 and forget the -.
7. I get similar words mixed up especially when it comes to knowning terms that are so similar in wording. (seriously who on earth thought it was a good idea to have words that are so similar that only one letter is different)
8. I mishear things. One time when mom accidently broke a dragon mini statue in a store and the clerk said she had to pay for it, I thought mom said "im going to call the police" but instead she ask to speak to the manager?
9. I have a really hard time just getting the overal picture of a story or a article. I always focus on small details non important and this just doesn't help at all when it comes to tests. Because I focus on the non-important stuff that never happens to be on the test.
All I can think of right now, these are all very recent except for number 8 was 2 years ago. I'm tired of typing and always cut things short like right now, it just feels exhausting.
Oh also I don't know how to end stuff either.. it's why i go on and on, or just end with so yeah.