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Questions Regarding AC


Well-Known Member
Okay, I know I've been here for a while, but these are a few things about AspiesCentral that have confused me ever since day one. Up until now, I feared embarrassing myself by making a thread about it in case the answers were obvious or there's something on the site that tells you. I've looked on the 'Help' page, the only page I really think might, well, help, and found nothing, so... here we are. Alright, onto my actual questions, and buckle up, kiddies, 'cause this is probably my longest post yet.

Question 1: Blogs, how do they work? - No, seriously. I originally assumed they worked like blogs do every else on the Internet: it's a thing people update regularly about experiences in their day-to-day lives... or something to that effect. But actually going on the Blogs page and clicking on a few of the blogs, I find that that is apparently not the case... at least not with all of them, unless there's something I'm missing.

Question 3: The little red counters in the upper right corner of the 'Blogs', 'Media', and 'Chat' things on the main screen's toolbar. Seriously, they kinda look like the number you get whenever you have new notifications, but... Seriously though, is that the amount of blogs, medias, and people in the chatroom altogether/currently? The amount of new ones/recently added ones? The amount of new ones since the last time you visited the respective pages?

Question 4: Your inbox. Look, I know what an inbox is, but all of my notifications (new posts, new threads, people following me, if a thread of mine was featured, etc. etc.) always appear in my 'Alerts' box. And I mean ALWAYS. Ever since the day I made this account on here, not once have I ever had anything show up in my inbox. I mean, things that I thought would appear in my inbox (i.e. responses to my thread and messages on my profile) still appear on 'Alerts'. So what appears in the Inbox?

Question 5: The 'ignore' function. I've never 'ignored' anybody on here and, thus far, I don't plan on it. But what exactly does that do? Assuming it just keeps people from messaging you, replying to your threads, putting messages on your profile, etc. then I would think 'block' would be a more fitting name for it.

Question 6: The 'Karma' and 'Messages' counters. Okay, less a 'I'm completely clueless, please help' question and more a 'I think I know the gist but I just want confirmation' question. I'm pretty sure Karma is the amount of 'ratings' your posts get at the bottom of each of them (likes, agrees, funny's, informative's, etc.), but, as usual, I could be wrong. Messages are the amount of threads and posts you make?

Question 7: Where's question two?
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@Spotty01 asked:

Question 1: Blogs, how do they work? - No, seriously. I originally assumed they worked like blogs do every else on the Internet: it's a thing people update regularly about experiences in their day-to-day lives... or something to that effect.

You've perfectly described blogs, that's what some members use them for and others might use a blog to write about something they want to in more detail. Or they blog about an interest or an occurrence. You can write a blog in whatever way suits you, there's no fixed formula.

Question 3: The little red counters in the upper right corner of the 'Blogs', 'Media', and 'Chat' things on the main screen's toolbar.

The red counters are new blogs and media added that day, with chat it's the number of members currently in the chat room.

Question 4: Your inbox. Look, I know what an inbox is:)

Inbox notifications are only related to personal messages, if someone PM's you it will appear there. The rest of the responses will appear as alerts if someone quotes you or answers one of your questions.

Question 5: The 'ignore' function. I've never 'ignored' anybody on here and, thus far, I don't plan on it. But what exactly does that do?

It allows you to not see posts from people that you don't wish to, it's not precisely a blocking function. People you ignore can still answer your posts and write on your profile page, you simply can't see their posts when signed in. You'll see a line indicating 'ignored member' and you can click on it to read it if you want to.

Question 6: The 'Karma' and 'Messages' counters.

Correct, you've answered your own question, you already know.

Question 7: Where's question two?

^‿^ I could make one up for you ^‿^
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