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"Racing With Autism" - a good news story (not what you might think)


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
This might not be the "racing" you're thinking about

A young man in Ontario, who has Autism, who is a top level race car driver and does very well at it...

I just watched a W5 (Canadian news journalism) program about Austin Riley, he says that his autism is why he is a good race driver, the level of concentration that he has on the track...

Anyway, here is the website - Austin Riley

And there are probably more news articles out there, I didn't check that much...
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Stands to reason.

And the faster one goes, the more of a laser-focused amount of concentration and hand-eye coordination is required. Yeah. :cool:
I totally agree with the racecar driver! I am a really good driver. I've been driving since well before I was legal to do so. I would say that autism makes it my superpower. I can very much feel the distance between cars, the flow of traffic, and compute the people merging. Throughout my body, I can feel the performance of the engine as well, and I adjust my driving based on it, like a dance. I keep several car lengths of distance from other cars at all times. And I give the loveliest feather smooth brakings. My pleasure is in making sure my passengers don't have a jerky ride. It's all very mathematical. Not just in my head, but almost like feelers all over my body, gauging everything that's happening at once, on the highway, and in the car.
I have amazing concentration, plus when younger could shoot very well not sure where this came from. so, I guess we do have some different abilities. Before my stroke I had a driven for 50 years never had an accident. just had a knack for avoiding them. My wife drives now, already had two accidents. Does not have my second nature riskier driver I never buy gas if I have to cross to the other side for example.
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I have amazing concentration, plus when younger could shoot very well not sure where this came from. so, I guess we do have some different abilities.
Me too! I am (or at least was) a good marksman. I haven't held a rifle in about 15 years, or more.
I amazed myself could two bullets in same hole have not shot since high school. I guess I have very steady hands.
After I got released from the hospital to protect my license, I took therapy jumped through hoops got tested.
passed the testone therapist wondered do my reading ability being a compulsive reader how do I not become distracted, when driving, I was a real enigma to her. she kept asking me questions shocked that none of my answers, were what a typical person would reply, all were valid just not typical. Probably why IQ test does not work well with us. My mind is not typical. Capable of making unorthodox connections.
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That was the first racing I thought of. What do other people think of?
horse racing.gif

Austin Riley - sounds like the name of a vintage car.
In fact it is the name of 2 vintage cars

Thanks for the link
is this for real, or cgi? i grew up around horses and have never, ever seen anyone even attempt to carry any horse that was older than a foal of a couple months age (if that!). Whether or not you could carry it, I'd imagine getting cow kicked just trying.

Maybe that's not true though. My big old Aunt Liz would carry calves around like it was nothing. Just like randomly, oh there's Aunt Liz carrying around another giant calf.
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