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Random, but!


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Each time I come here, I notice that mostly, I am the first one in the list who are online and I have to say, wow, because it is the FIRST time in my life, that I am put first.

So funny, because earlier I came here and I saw I was second and yep, felt a little sad and then, came back and whoa again, first in a long list of names. So, unless I am missing something, I would like to say a big thank you lol
The Price Is Right' Contestant Loses Fight With The Big Wheel | iHeart


You get a brand new fidget spinner and an all-expense paid trip to ABA therapy!
I believe the list is ordered by whoever last clicked on something on the website, and so by default that would usually be oneself, unless someone was a split-second ahead of them. :-)

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