My dream were never realy elaborated, or at least the dream I can remember.
The weird part is that I have concrete memories of dream I had years ago and it felt like it realy happened to me. I mean the way I remember my old dreams isnt different from the way I remember other old memories.
I had recurring dreams as a kid :
Recurring themes : being chased by miss piggy , being chased by something/dog , falling/loosing touch with the ground.
But I also had real recurring dream, like exactly the same dream that involved the same sequence of events.
They vanished after I realized I was in a dream and purposivly trigger the chain of event leading to the end of the dream. I dont know how I managed to know I was in a dream, but I guess seeing the same exact thing so many times make it easier to see you are in a dream?
My dream at the moment are very very very rare, not rich at all, but the recurrring thing is that I feel like I am being searched by the police and that I am hidding a crime, 2 days ago I had a corpse in my bag xD
Miss Piggy litteraly haunted my childhood dreams, well it was nightmares, and just seing an image of "her" even today makes me feels realy weird/uncomfortable.
This is an interesting topic i'd like to talk more about that. Most of the dream I remember are nightmares , and the other kind is at least very weird and dark , but they doesnt make me feel scare, more like uncomfortable or disgusted.
And one last kind of dream I have is related to my needs, like dreaming that I pee and actually peeing in my bed ( I did that a few months ago) or also dreaming of drinking or eating especially when I try to be on a diet.
And also I have alsmot no sound in my dream most of the time, sometime I did but more when I was youger.
edit : hehe I didnt write what I wanted to write in the first place, here it is =>
Maybe having a recurring dream is because you think about the same thing and it didnt evolve, like a thought process that is not resolved? Or you are facing the same problems?
When I was younger my days were realy more organised by school and family and I had recurring dreams, today my life is a mess and I dont have them...