Yes, I'm afraid I agree with other people that looking on sites for other women is definitely not a good sign to say the least, this behaviour is not related to being on the autistic spectrum who are commonly more likely to be loyal. Perhaps there's more to this or we have interpreted what you wrote incorrectly?
There are some things that could be autism related however, many autistic people have very limited special interests that they can spend an excessive amount of time doing and are often very good at, while not being interested in much else such as your hobbies. Some autistic people also have difficulty expressing certain emotions, E.g. if they love someone they might find it harder to show it, they can also find it difficult in social situations and may appear to be inconsiderate of other people's emotions. All people on the autistic spectrum are unique however with distinct personalities, some won't show all the common traits, while others may show different traits at varying levels.
Here is some information on Asperger Syndrome and if you scroll down you will see some of the more common traits that are often observed in people on the higher functioning end of the autistic spectrum:
Asperger syndrome - NAS
Many people on the higher functioning end of the autistic spectrum learn to better overcome many traits, yes it is possible to improve over time, but autism isn't "curable" (that's if it should be "cured" since it's not really an illness).
You are definitely not "mad" just for being with someone on the autistic spectrum, there's a lot of very successful long term loving relationships between autistic people and NTs, some are members of this community, however as with any couple there obviously has to be love both ways for it to work.
PS: Welcome to ASPIESCentral.