There's a UU church here in Huntsville, but I really don't know much about their belief system, manner of worship, etc. Do you use a Bible per se, believe in any of the orthodox Christian doctrines, etc.? My background is Roman Catholic and Baptist with a five-week stint in a hyper-charismatic church; talk about sensory overload!!!
I can't speak much for UU as a whole (though I imagine it's largely the same across the board), but actually most of our topics are either outside of religion entirely, or focused more on the history of religions, belief systems, etc. There isn't any specific belief system they espouse; rather, it's a place that tends to attract "misfits," and the congregants run the gamut from liberal Christians, to atheists/secular humanists, to Jews and Hindus, to Pagans and Christopagans, Buddhists, etc. The idea is to have an open forum where people with different viewpoints and from different backgrounds can all learn from one another and have open discussion of ideas, rather than to gather around any particular faith, doctrine, or philosophy. The Sunday schools are designed to encourage children to find their own paths, rather than to preach any particular viewpoint to them. So the answer to your question, I suppose, is a definite "no."
I know, it's strange, especially for a small town in the deep South, where there isn't even a single Synagogue, Mosque, or Buddhist temple. When I first started attending people asked me if I was surprised that there was little, if any, mention of God, or form of worship; I said no, I already knew that, and that's why I decided to start attending.