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Remembering facts and trivial things ?


All your bases are belong to us
I can remember things that seem pointless to me, like Presidential quotes and Benjamin Franklin aphorisms and wonder if it's because I absorb random things or if it might be my ADHD. I also remember the basics of some history while I'm piss poor at remember other things because I used to have a kick out of reading those McGraw-Hill school text books , which I forgot to return to the school.

I totally failed at Geography and wasn't really into it but remember some facts because I remember some things but disliked the subject in total. I need a world map with the countries labeled because I hard time absorbing facts and other cultures due to lack of interest in Geography.

I'm curious about how I was interested in some things like history and had trouble catching up with the class because they were stuck in the Civil war period while I was back in the 1700's in colonial American ...

I dunno how to explain this without sounding dumb or ignorant but I seemed to make good grades on random topics in the subjects while suffering in others. Math and Geology seem to had been my worst subject while I somewhat a C or D student in literature and world and American history ...
It's why plenty of people hate to play Trivial pursuit with me, lol.

I remember a few years back at a local gaming store they decided to play Trivial pursuit and they did teams. I was pretty much the last kid chosen. For some reason I came/come across as a bit stupid or so. We ended up winning without letting other people play. We got first turn and got every question right, lol. That's how you confuse people.

But yes, trivial things are one of those things... clearly some facts and things stick around more and some just are really deep down somewhere. I don't know why I know certain things and don't know other stuff... some stuff I know doesn't even remotely interest me, lol.

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