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Ellie Taylor

New Member
Hi everyone,
I am a student from the University of Plymouth studying in my final year. As part of this I am writing my dissertation and have focus on autism.
If you are a parent of a child 0-8 with or on the way to being diagnosed who is willing to participate please click the attached link below. This includes a short survey and the choice to participate in an interview. I would be very grateful for all the help I can get.
Thank You.
Does Girls' Gendered Behaviour Mask Signs of Autism?
HI Ellie,

With respiect you might want to change the title of the post to include somehting that you are looking for help. You might catch more views that way.

People in here are quite friendly and helpful, so a clearer title might get you more responses.
I am an adult woman with Asperger's Syndrome. Instead of asking NT parents questions about their autistic child, you should be doing a survey about adult autistic women and gendered behavior because we can personally give you information that is much more accurate than any NT.
You also might increase your responses if you expand it to include Chihuahuas. My kids have hatched, grown and fledged but I have plenty of Chihuahuas and one is I believe on the spectrum. I also have another with what I think has a learning disability (Odie Syndrome) and two that are non-binary gendered. So really Chihuahuas will serve all your dissertation needs.

I don't want to rain on your parade, but we already know that girls gendered behaviour does mask signs of autism, alongside the fact that tests and ideas of what autism is have been developed in a way that fosters this by reflecting the expectation that this was a condition most likely applying to boys.

Is it too late to swap to chihuahuas?
I am an adult woman with Asperger's Syndrome. Instead of asking NT parents questions about their autistic child, you should be doing a survey about adult autistic women and gendered behavior because we can personally give you information that is much more accurate than any NT.
Hi, I am studying early childhood so the age range has to be between 0-8 years
@Ellie Taylor. Out of touch with the real world.

That's a pretty biased study straight away just seeking parents for 0-8 yr potential ASD children.
What if the parents are also on the spectrum or not? If they don't see it as a problem?
What if their culture, education or religion hinders their concerns or getting the child tested? Or themselves for that matter? Etc..etc..
Hi, I am studying Early Childhood and the age range is 0-8 years which is why it’s based on this. Hope that clears it up
Hi, I am studying Early Childhood and the age range is 0-8 years which is why it’s based on this. Hope that clears it up
There have been tons of studies done on young children also the questions are very generic. What new information do you think you might gather doing what countless others before you have?

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